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An Interview with Me (Nina)

23 Mehefin 2014


I’m Nina and I’m a 3rd Year Maths student at Cardiff! I like programming, bad TV, drinking tea and maths jokes!”

1.  Where is your hometown?

Maidstone, Kent

2.   In 3 words – say what you love about Cardiff!

Vibrant, friendly, beautiful!

3.   What subjects did you study at A-level and what was your favourite subject?

I studied Maths, English Lit and Graphic Design (with Music and Critical Thinking as my AS Levels). I loved Graphic Design but didn’t necessarily want to do it as a job so chose Maths!

4.   Which first year halls did you choose and why?

I chose Talybont Court, it looked lovely and I also wanted an ensuite bathroom!

5.   Which sports clubs or societies do you belong to?

I belong to Maths society and also Student Volunteering Cardiff who are not a club or society but still a huge part of the Students’ Union.

6.   What skill have you mastered since coming to Cardiff University?

Managing my time and how to give myself a good talking to when I’m procrastinating…

7.   What memories do you have of your first day at Cardiff University?

I remember arriving with a big box of friend-making biscuits and meeting my flat-mates, then going out in the evening and getting completely lost in the middle of Cardiff – sense of direction was one of the last things I learnt here!

8.   What is the one essential item you would tell a future Cardiff University student to bring with them?

Door stop! The best advice I got when going to uni was to keep your bedroom door open when you arrive – it makes you much more approachable and people feel like they can stop by for a chat, which is important when you are meeting people who you will be living with for the rest of the year and who may well turn out to be friends for the rest of your life!

9.   What is your signature student dish?

Quorn lasagne – cheap, lots of servings and really filling. Mmmmm.

10. Describe your typical Wednesday night.

On Wednesday afternoons I volunteer with the project I run at SVC which is helping on a farm. So most Wednesday evenings are spent relaxing and getting all the mud off my clothes!

11. Favourite bar and why? How much is your drink of choice?

I mainly go out with the Maths Society and we spend a lot of time in Kokos, 30 secs from the Union. 2-4-1 cocktails are the best thing ever.

12.What’s on your ‘going out’ playlist?

Stacey’s Mom, Timber, Rather Be and other horrendously cheesy songs which are great fun to sing along to, especially after a few drinks.

13. Favourite place to eat out in Cardiff?

Red Hot World Buffet!! You have GOT to try it.

14. Best student deal in Cardiff?

Cheap cinema tickets!

15.What is your favourite view in Cardiff?

Looking down the river in Bute Park, especially in Spring.

16.How would you describe Cardiff to your friends at home in three words?

Busy, friendly and gorgeous!

17. What are your career plans for when you leave University?

I’m still deciding between further study or going straight into industry. I like that I feel prepared to do either though and that the choice is down to what I want to do, not what I am able to do.

18.What advice would you give to a student applying to university?

It’s never too early to start thinking about heading to university, and if there is something you really want to do then try and pick your A Level subjects in line with that. Make sure you visit and choose a uni and subject that feels right too, not just one that your parents or friends think you should do. You are the one who will be spending 3 or more years doing it!

19.What’s the best thing about studying your subject?

There is so much choice from different modules that you are able to tailor the degree to get what you want out of it, really useful when you are interested in a wide range of topics!

20.Why did you choose Cardiff?

I loved the feel of it; it’s a city but it not overwhelming. I also like the feel of the department and could see myself working and learning there for a good 3 years!

21. How have you found financing yourself as a student?

It has been difficult sometimes, especially the end of term when you are nearing the end of your student loan, but on the whole student life is definitely not as awful as everyone makes it out to be! It’s just a question of being sensible and not buying all your food from top end supermarkets!

22. What do you find or did you find difficult when applying to uni and what info did you most need?

My biggest difficulty in applying to uni was what subject to do! I was interested in such a range of subjects that I wasn’t sure how each one would benefit me as a degree. I did a lot of research into careers I could go into from each degree once leaving university and that helped me to decide.

23. What do you write about in your blog The Insiders?

I will be writing a lot about Student Volunteering Cardiff who run loads of projects to get Cardiff students out and about helping the local community which is really important to me. As a student it’s easy to live in a different world to the rest of the people in the city; volunteering is a fab way to integrate, meet new friends from different courses and give back to the city which essentially hosts you for the length of your degree. I’ll also be talking about what I get up to on my course, the types of work that I have to do for the final year of my Maths degree and all the little things I get up to every week! 🙂