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Student residences

Erasmus: The first few days

Erasmus: The first few days

Posted on 3 January 2015 by Chloë Hathway

The first week of the year abroad is possibly one of the most challenging and daunting of your life so far, but don’t let that put you off! Although it […]

The start of my time in Chambéry, France

The start of my time in Chambéry, France

Posted on 21 December 2014 by Alice Whelan

I am a French and Spanish third year student at Cardiff University, currently in south-east France in the small Alpine city of Chambéry. For the first semester of my Year […]

Nearly two weeks in LA!

Posted on 21 August 2014 by Lauren Booth

Well, I've been in Los Angeles for 11 days now, and have had the most fantastic time. Getting moved in was pretty nerve wracking (just knowing which way to cross […]

Arriving at Xiamen University

Posted on 28 July 2014 by Vanessa Yau

NI men hao! (Hello!) it’s the end of my first school week here at the Overseas college in Xiamen and I'm well on my way to settling in. I arrived […]