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Wow! GLS Schule in Berlin – really, just wow!

Posted on 17 September 2014 by Daniel Krajnik

Wow, really! Such a programme is just a fantastic way to spend your holidays. I did a German course in GLS Schule in Berlin, after which you will never put […]

A month in Salamanca learning Spanish

A month in Salamanca learning Spanish

Posted on 8 September 2014 by Juliette Jensen

Pre-departure The best feeling was when I received an email congratulating me on my success in achieving a grant to study abroad. I had the option of choosing where to […]

The city of Leuven – how did it ‘plan’ out?

Posted on 28 August 2014 by Wendy Maden

Wendy Maden, final year student on the BSc City and Regional Planning, reflects on her experience of studying abroad through the Erasmus programme Wendy, third from the right, pictured in […]

The bright lights of Hong Kong

The bright lights of Hong Kong

Posted on 13 August 2014 by Lara Bridge

After a 30 hour journey and several flight delays, we finally arrived in Hong Kong. The first shock occurred as we stepped out of the cool air conditioned airport, and […]