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International Exchange


30 January 2015

So, 16 days until departure; I cannot believe how quick time has gone. It seems like only yesterday I was applying to study abroad for my second term at Cardiff University, despite it being at least 9 months ago! Since then so much has happened, I have received my acceptance letter to study at Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia) and have chosen my modules. Yet, it didn’t start to feel real until these past three weeks! Only recently have I booked my flight, sorted out my OSHC (overseas health cover), student visa and booked my accommodation; everything is starting to come together. The main things are now covered, and only the little ‘to-do’ things are left – get a money travel card, sort out my phone etc. Oh – and pack of course!!

Packing is one thing that I am not looking forward to as, being a girl, I am very indecisive about what clothes to take! On the bright side, I know to take mostly summer clothes due to Sydney’s sunny weather (this is one thing about studying abroad that makes me EXTREMELY happy)! However, due to plans to travel Australia after my term has finished there, I am restricted to fitting everything into a traveller’s backpack – please, wish me luck…

So, today was spent going around shops looking for a suitable backpack to take with me. I looked at quite a few, which has resulted in myself facing a dilemma – I worry I will not fit all my things into the smaller ones, but the bigger ones seem to be bigger than myself ha-ha! Therefore, I can either grow a few inches taller or reduce the amount of clothes I am taking – I think there’s only one option really isn’t there?

This was a small one...
This was a small one…
On the larger side…


Knowing that I have travelling plans to look forward to after my term has finished just makes this experience even more exciting! I have never been to Australia before but, from friends who have been there, I know there is so much to do and so much to see, which is why travelling afterwards became a must for me! If I am going that far away then I have to make the most of it. Going to university abroad is definitely going to be a life changing experience for me and I know I have to enjoy and make the most of my time there. I hope to make lots of new friends and gain an insight of a culture different from the one I am used to. I want to see and do new things that I wouldn’t have the opportunity to do in the UK.

It’s a scary thought right now, living on my own for 5 months in a country I am unfamiliar with, but at the same time I am so excited! I feel ready to go and I know these next 16 days will fly by! The next time I write I will probably be just about to leave – wow! If not, it will definitely be as soon as I arrive in Sydney!


Wish me luck!
