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What next?..

Posted on 7 June 2017 by Harriet Codd

Well, well, well. We have reached our final post in the LingoMap program. I hope you have all enjoyed these blogs and can at least take something away from each […]

Lingo Map- School and College Life: My University Experience in Portugal

Posted on 30 May 2017 by Molly Timmons

I can’t believe how quickly my time here has gone! In 10 days, I will be back in the UK and my entire year abroad will be over! I have […]

LingoMap: Social Issues

Posted on 30 May 2017 by Emily Seaborne

Hey everyone, The topic of this months blog is Social Issues so I thought I would write on immigration and integration in France. Immigration is a big issue in France […]

Québec, am y tro olaf…

Posted on 19 May 2017 by Elin Arfon

Salut, Dyma fy mlog olaf wrth imi ddod i ddiwedd fy nghyfnod fel monitrice d’anglais yn Polyvalente Saint-François, Beauceville (Québec). Fodd bynnag, mi fyddaf yn aros yma dros yr haf […]

Québec: Diwrnodau Cenedlaethol

Posted on 18 May 2017 by Elin Arfon

Bonjour eto, Y thema y tro hwn : diwrnodau cenedlaethol.  Rhaid egluro rhywbeth cyn mynd ati i sôn am y thema hon. Y mae Québec yn wahanol iawn i weddill […]

Cuestiones sociales – El paro en España

Posted on 17 May 2017 by Liam Barrett

In this month's blog, I am going to talk about some of the social issues which have to be faced in the country in which I am currently living, so […]

Québec: Teithio a Chludiant

Posted on 17 May 2017 by Elin Arfon

Bonjour o Québec, C’est Elin! Blog mis Mawrth oedd hwn i fod ond rhaid imi gyfaddef, yr oedd mis Mawrth yn brysur iawn imi, a’r rheswm pennaf am hynny oedd […]

A cultural/historical snapshot of «El país de Quijote»

A cultural/historical snapshot of «El país de Quijote»

Posted on 15 May 2017 by Liam Barrett

¡Buenos días! It’s been a few months since I last wrote for LingoMap, and since then I have moved from Brussels in Belgium, to Ciudad Real in Spain. Firstly, I […]

Lingomap: El sistema educativo español

Posted on 15 May 2017 by Melissa Tavares

Hola a todos!! Hope you’re all doing well! I'm loving life in very sunny Granada! This month’s topic is school and college studies. Funnily enough 5 years ago today, I […]

Lingo Map: What is attending a Spanish university like?

Posted on 14 May 2017 by Simona Dundova

Buenos días! It has been such a long time since my last blog post and I am glad I have the chance to write something about my university experience here. […]

LingoMap: What is German University like?

Posted on 11 May 2017 by Chloe Walker

Attending university in your home country is scary enough at times, but going to university in another country, where the language is different, is a whole new ball game. I […]

¡La vida escolar en España!

Posted on 8 May 2017 by Harriet Codd

Hello again to you all, I hope the year is treating you well! When thinking about school/college life for this blog, I found it relatively difficult to put everything into one […]

Lingo Map: Portuguese National Holidays and Local Areas of Interest

Posted on 30 April 2017 by Molly Timmons

I am now halfway through my time here in Portugal! The term seems to have gone so quickly and my exams are now fast approaching, but that hasn’t stopped me […]

House Hunting, Holidays and Heidelberg

Posted on 22 April 2017 by Chloe Walker

It has now been around 7 weeks since I arrived in Heidelberg and this is my first post. A lot has happened. This could be a long one. March was […]

LingoMap Blog: Social Issues

Posted on 19 April 2017 by Sarah Gregory

This month the topic of my blog is ‘Social issues’.   Social Issues   Definition: A problem that influences a considerable number of people within a society One of the […]

Lingo Map: Regional Characteristics of the South of France

Posted on 14 April 2017 by Emily Seaborne

Salut tout le monde! The sun is shining and I'm loving my last few months living in the South of France! If I'm honest I'm not sure how I'm going […]

Cheap Dreams

Cheap Dreams

Posted on 10 April 2017 by Llewelyn

Wow, it's been a really long time since I wrote an entry here, so I guess I should start by quickly reviewing the last month or so...basically I've been pretty […]

Intern in a concrete jungle.

Intern in a concrete jungle.

Posted on 8 April 2017 by Sarah Wren

I envisaged the summer of 2016 to be like any other, going back home, missing my uni friends and working in a pub for months on end, bored out of […]

LingoMap: Is Germany environmentally friendly?

Posted on 3 April 2017 by Chloe Walker

I have been in Germany for just over a month now, specifically in the city of Heidelberg. Heidelberg is in the South West of Germany in the state called Baden-Württemburg. […]

Lingo Map: School/College Life

Posted on 31 March 2017 by Kate Pritchard

Bonjour à tous ! This month I have been given the title of School/College Life. Despite France not being hugely different to the UK, there are a few significant differences in […]