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Mercat Central – A Magical Place

1 December 2016

I know it has been a while since my last post, but so many things are happening here in Valencia every day!!! I have barely had time to sit and write a few lines to my friends (both in Bulgaria and Cardiff), let alone sit undisturbed for an hour or so to write an article.

November was filled with a lot of unforgettable moments and trips. It started off with the best birthday party I have ever had. I felt extremely lucky when I realised how many new friends from all over Europe I had made in just two months. After that my mum came to visit me for a few days, which was probably the greatest present I could ever receive. She fell in love with the city immediately, just as everyone else who comes here for that matter. Fortunately, we had the chance to go inside one of the most iconic and beautiful buildings in Valencia – Mercado Central. As you can see from the pictures that follow, it is a place where you can try typical food from the region, find a great variety of seafood and buy fresh fruit and vegetables:


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Anther post is soon to follow! It will cover last weekend’s trip to Andalusia…so, stay tuned, guys, because I have some amazing experiences to share with you 🙂