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Summer Programmes

Adventures in Yamagata: Part 2

Posted on 29 July 2017 by Laura Davies

First of all, my apologies for the late post - this past week has been unbelievably busy and tiring, but very fun. We had a pretty full-on week of mostly […]

Settling in to UBC, Vancouver

Posted on 24 July 2017 by Tegan Francis

We stepped off the plane bright eyed and bushy tailed with a touch of jet lag and made our way down to passport control. The flight was reasonably long and […]

Adventures in Yamagata: Part 1

Posted on 19 July 2017 by Laura Davies

The past week has proved busy but highly productive, not to mention enjoyable. Already it feels as if I have been in Yamagata forever, and I wouldn't mind if that […]

The Project Begins

Posted on 11 July 2017 by Laura Davies

I'm glad to say we made it to Yamagata with no problems despite the amount of luggage we hauled around with us. Yesterday we were given our induction and met […]

Two Days in Tokyo

Posted on 9 July 2017 by Laura Davies

Yesterday I arrived in Tokyo but was too tired to update after so much walking - my apologies for that. These past few days have been quite hectic but fun. […]

The Journey Begins

Posted on 6 July 2017 by Laura Davies

So here I am; the day has arrived and I'm off to the airport to start my adventures in Japan. The past few days have been filled with a never-ending […]

Canal Boat Trip

Posted on 3 July 2017 by Conor White

This was our first boat trip along the canal and what an experience it was! The aim of the trip was to investigate and sample sites along the canal that […]

Surfing Heat Waves

Posted on 27 June 2017 by Conor White

There’s been a heat wave back at home, 29⁰C and everyone is complaining, here we worked in 41⁰C heat on Tuesday with no escape! David’s heat tolerance in the field […]

Faulty science

Posted on 27 June 2017 by Conor White

Following the historical trail ‘Camino de Cruces’ we hiked through the rainforest, a first for many of us; we ventured there in order to investigate quaternary faulting, which may have […]

Coring and Exploring

Posted on 19 June 2017 by Conor White

Our first day in the field was an introduction in order to understand and recognise the major rock formations along the Gaillard Cut part of the canal. We travelled from […]

Exploring Panama City

Posted on 16 June 2017 by Conor White

Two flights after leaving Cardiff, travelling first to Paris and then across the Atlantic, we arrived in Panama. Having settled into the accommodation provided by the Panama Canal Authorities (ACP), […]

Intern in a concrete jungle.

Intern in a concrete jungle.

Posted on 8 April 2017 by Sarah Wren

I envisaged the summer of 2016 to be like any other, going back home, missing my uni friends and working in a pub for months on end, bored out of […]

Saying Goodbye

Posted on 9 December 2016 by Maisy Provan

Today was my last day on placement in Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital, Sri Lanka. Now that I am at the end I can't believe how quickly the time has gone! I […]

19 Days till Christmas!

Posted on 6 December 2016 by Maisy Provan

Had a lovely weekend exploring more of Sri Lanka. The girls and I headed to Trincomalee, to the beach and to explore the town. It was lovely to have a […]

Food Glorious Food

Posted on 2 December 2016 by Maisy Provan

Since I have been in Sri Lanka I have tried numerous curries, Sri Lankan style street food and traditional snacks. I do love a good curry and I have a […]

I Got to Wear Scrubs!

Posted on 1 December 2016 by Maisy Provan

Yesterday morning I was allowed to go to theatre to watch some surgeries. A lot of the doctors were on strike so only emergency surgeries were being carried out, no […]

A day with OT

Posted on 29 November 2016 by Maisy Provan

So today I went and shadowed in the OT department. There are only two OT’s who work in Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital, who are both male, a bit different from the […]


Posted on 28 November 2016 by Maisy Provan

Today I got the chance to go to some of the surgical wards in the hospital. We saw some patients for chest physio and some for mobilisation and rehab. One […]

Bus Journeys

Posted on 27 November 2016 by Maisy Provan

So this weekend we had to head down to Columbo, Sri Lanka’s capital, to get our visa's extended. After a 5 hour journey we finally arrived at the immigration office, […]

1840 Steps

Posted on 27 November 2016 by Maisy Provan

Since we arrived the girls and me have been waiting for a evening to go to Mihintale, a small mountain peak 10km outside of Anuradhapura. This evening finally it was still sunny […]