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European Placements

Andalusian Adventures

17 October 2016




So this week began with a Monday spent perusing the shops with Helena and then meeting Maria for a tandem in the most beautiful park just behind our uni. Forever grateful for my Spanish gals.

Tuesday was then spent in preparation for departing at midnight for a 5 day trip around Andalusia. The thought of travelling through the night with no promise of sleep the next day terrified me if I am being honest, but travelling with my friends made it more bearable. Once we arrived in Granada the excitement really began.

The first day was a bit of a blur after about 4 hours sleep but we had a tour of the city centre and then succumbed to exhaustion and ordered an English breakfast. We met up with Rachel too which was so lovely. I have missed her. Seeing as the weather was less than ideal we then returned to the hostel for a nap and to get ready for a proper day of sightseeing in Granada the next day.

On Thursday we visited la Alhambra which was amazing and following that the Cathedral, where I lit 15 candles- having not read the sign that it was 10 cents for one. It was one of the most beautiful cathedrals I have ever seen. That night we went to a bar and relaxed with the rest of the tour group.

On Friday we drove to Málaga which was such a lovely place, with a great, friendly vibe and a city I would love to return to one day. In the evening, having arrived in Seville, we got the chance to see an authentic flamenco show, which is something I’ve always wanted to do and it did not disappoint.

Then Saturday was spent in Seville, which was hands down the highlight of the entire trip. Plaza de España is something to behold. The entire day was spent in awe of the beauty of the city. Then on Sunday we visited Córdoba which was another stunning city before departing on the 10-hour epic journey back to Valencia.

I loved every minute of this trip- thanks to the wonderful gals I spent it with- Kathryn, Emily, Louise, Jas and Orla- I love you all.

Feeling really happy to be back in Valencia now and taking it easy this week.
