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International Exchange

A Seat with a View

19 October 2016

Hi everyone, so I just thought I would do a short post about my favourite places that I like to visit here in Hong Kong, when I am maybe missing home or I just want some peace. As a big lover of impressive skylines, I probably couldn’t be living anywhere better.

The first place I found here that really relaxes me whilst making me realise what an amazing place I am in is the ifc Observation Deck. This area seems to be relatively unknown so is always really quiet whenever I visit but provides a beautiful view of the harbour (although there is some rather ugly construction work going on but one can ignore it very easily when looking at this skyline).

View of the harbour from the ifc

Another place I like to go and sit is in by the harbour in Kennedy Town, where I live. I went here the other day and watched the sunset, and the sky was an amazing pink colour (sadly I won’t be able to go and sit down there for a few days now as we are in the middle of a cyclone!). It is a popular area to sit on a Sunday evening and has a great atmosphere.

Beautiful sunset in Kennedy Town

When I need to get some work done, I enjoy going to the learning commons area at HKU, which is a much more relaxed version of a library with really comfy seats. If I can I will always sit in front of the large glass panes, as from here you can see the skyscrapers as well as the Peak, so you get the feeling of being in the city without all of the hustle and bustle.

View from the Learning Commons

Finally, my favourite place for a good view in HK has to be Victoria Peak. This is the highest point in Hong Kong so you get a view of the skyscrapers on both sides of the harbour, as well as being able to walk around and see the small islands that are near Hong Kong.

View from Victoria Peak
The other side of the Peak

So I’ll leave it there for today but I’ll be back soon with another post!