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January 2015

First semester abroad in Chambéry

First semester abroad in Chambéry

Posted on 31 January 2015 by Lucy Pierce

I chose languages as my joint honours degree, partly because I love the culture and history of foreign countries and learning the language is the best way of immersing yourself. […]


Posted on 30 January 2015 by Naomi Machin

So, 16 days until departure; I cannot believe how quick time has gone. It seems like only yesterday I was applying to study abroad for my second term at Cardiff […]

Erasmus: The first few days

Erasmus: The first few days

Posted on 3 January 2015 by Chloë Hathway

The first week of the year abroad is possibly one of the most challenging and daunting of your life so far, but don’t let that put you off! Although it […]