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Making Research Funding Applications For The NHS And Social Care

Making Research Funding Applications For The NHS And Social Care

Posted on 2 October 2018 by Kim Madden

Making Research Funding Applications for the NHS and Social Care The Research Design and Conduct Service (RDCS) South East Wales supports staff working within the National Health Service and social […]

International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH), Porto, Portugal 1-4 Sept 2018

International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH), Porto, Portugal 1-4 Sept 2018

Posted on 10 September 2018 by Denitza Williams

About the conference The recent International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH) brought together researchers, teachers, practitioners and policy makers from around the world to explore and to improve all aspects […]

Science Policy: Improving The Uptake Of Research Into UK Policy Course

Posted on 28 August 2018 by Fiona Lugg-Widger

Background Dr Fiona Lugg-Widger (FL) and Dr David Gillespie (DG) recently attended “Science Policy: Improving the Uptake of Research into UK Policy course” on behalf of the Centre for Trials Research. This […]

Author Interview With Dr Aimee Grant – Doing EXCELLENT Social Research With Documents: Practical Examples And Guidance For Qualitative Researchers

Author Interview With Dr Aimee Grant – Doing EXCELLENT Social Research With Documents: Practical Examples And Guidance For Qualitative Researchers

Posted on 3 August 2018 by Aimee Grant

Dr Aimee Grant from the Centre for Trials Research qualitative team talks here about her upcoming book on social research published by Routledge, Doing EXCELLENT social research with documents: Practical examples and […]

Judicial Approval And Withdrawing Clinically Assisted Nutrition And Hydration From People In A Prolonged Disorder Of Consciousness

Judicial Approval And Withdrawing Clinically Assisted Nutrition And Hydration From People In A Prolonged Disorder Of Consciousness

Posted on 1 August 2018 by Julie Latchem-Hastings

By Dr Julie Latchem-Hastings Julie is a research associate who works in the Centre for Trials Research at Cardiff University on the MS-LEAP study and also Cardiff University’s Coma and Disorders […]

New Multiple Sclerosis Study To Help Patients Launches Competition To Design Logo

New Multiple Sclerosis Study To Help Patients Launches Competition To Design Logo

Posted on 30 July 2018 by Julie Latchem-Hastings

Background The Multiple Sclerosis Society have funded a new Centre for Trials Research study to support people with progressive multiple sclerosis to be more physically active. Multiple Sclerosis is an […]

RDCS SE Wales: Year In Review Supporting Research Capacity Development In Wales

RDCS SE Wales: Year In Review Supporting Research Capacity Development In Wales

Posted on 12 July 2018 by Sue Channon

Supporting Staff In The NHS And Social Care In Wales To Develop Their Own Research The Research Design and Conduct Service (RDCS) South East Wales is part of the All […]

Person-Centred Care In Care Homes – What Are The Outcomes That Matter? 

Person-Centred Care In Care Homes – What Are The Outcomes That Matter? 

Posted on 9 July 2018 by Victoria Shepherd

Person-Centred Care In Care Homes Person-centred care has become firmly embedded in care home settings, policies, and guidance over that last two decades. NICE guidelines promote integrated and person-centred approaches, […]

NHS At 70: The Challenge of Reducing Health Inequalities Through Evidence Based Medicine

NHS At 70: The Challenge of Reducing Health Inequalities Through Evidence Based Medicine

Posted on 5 July 2018 by Kerry Hood

A New Beginning In 1948, after a war which had rocked the world and challenged previous carefully drawn boundaries between genders, class and affluence, the belief that a better world […]

Pharmacy Research Wales And RDCS Launch First All Wales Pharmacy Research Ideas Study Day

Pharmacy Research Wales And RDCS Launch First All Wales Pharmacy Research Ideas Study Day

Posted on 22 June 2018 by Sue Channon

Pharmacy Research Wales And All Wales Research Design And Conduct Service (RDCS) Event On the 14th June 2018 Pharmacy Research Wales joined forces with the Research Design and Conduct Service […]