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Student CELP Annual Winter Conference 14 Dec 2023

The Student CELP Winter Conference was first launched in Dec 2022 and returned in Dec 2023 with a host of new presentations. The conference is a fantastic showcase of the latest ongoing research within Cardiff University’s environmental law and policy department by leaders in the field. The conference is also an excellent opportunity for staff and students to network within an engaging and lively atmosphere, and a fun way to round off the academic semester.
The conference entails several presentations from staff within the School of Law and Politics, sharing insights from their research on various environmental law and policy issues. Each presentation will be followed by a short Q&A with the audience.
Speakers included;
Mr Guy Linley-Adams on his recent BBC panorama exposé ‘The Water Pollution Cover Up‘
Dr Richard Caddell on ‘Principles for the Protection of the Environment in Armed Conflict’
Prof Ben Pontin on ‘Environmental Legal Themes’
Student CELP Spring Symposium 23rd March 2023

The Spring Symposium was an opportunity for undergraduate Student CELP members to present research on their blog publications.
Associate Professor Victoria Jenkins (Swansea University) gave a keynote talk on the implications of the EU Retention Bill on devolved environmental legislation.
Student speakers
Embracing Clean Tech Developments – Kinga Plata, Olivia Wen Xi Ong, Angela Lim, Joseph Semmens and Melissa James
Sustainable coal mining? Revisiting the public’s perception of coal mining in Wales – Kian Yew Nah
Slow the Flow. Shifting Accountability Further Upstream – Megan Parker Williams and Sol Withers
Blogging for Change : Raising Awareness About Butterfly Conservation – Vishnusri Palanisamy Sumithralakshmiv
Issues with the European solar power panel supply chain – Nikolas Margaritis
Launch Event : Facilitating public involvement and environmental protection in Welsh planning decision-making 23rd February 2023

A launch event, organised by Dr Caer Smyth (Cardiff University) and PGR Jade Jones (Cardiff University), for a policy briefing and toolkit that provides practical guidance on taking part in Welsh planning decision-making. The toolkit provides practical guidance on what ENGOs/community groups need to know about taking part in late-stage planning decision-making in Wales; the mistakes to avoid and unexpected advantages they can utilise. Whilst the briefing sets out practical steps that enhance public participation in late-stage planning decision-making in Wales and identifies ways that arguments for environmental protection can be best facilitated.
The policy briefing and toolkit builds on research conducted by Dr Caer Smyth at a planning inquiry into the M4 Corridor around Newport Scheme.
C Smyth, ‘Tick the box and move on: compartmentalization and the treatment of the environment in decision-making processes’ (2021) 48(3) JLS 410
CELP Conference ‘Protecting the Environment Through Human Rights?’ 12th December 2022

This event explored the challenges and opportunities in using human rights law to protect the environment and combat climate change. As environmental crises grow more severe, we are seeing more attempts to utilise international human rights law to push for greater environmental protection and stronger responses to climate change. We might wonder why this is the case. Environmental harms cross boundaries and generations; complex causal relationships mean that it can be extremely challenging to attribute responsibility for a damaging effect that violates human rights to a particular state’s emissions. Is international human rights law a suitable tool to protect the environment? Why are we seeing this move to use human rights law in this way?
‘This fantastic event brought out some of the full complexity and importance of the relationship between environmental law and human rights. Even within the distinction between ‘anthropocentric’ and ‘ecocentric’ approaches we learned that there is nuance, such as ‘extractive’ and ‘enlightened’ anthropocentrism, with similar shades within ecocentric approaches. Overall a significant event rounded off with some intriguing questions from the audience.’ – Prof Ben Pontin.
Natalie Kobylarz (European Court of Human Rights)
Dr Noreen O’Meara (Surrey University)
Dr Marie-Catherine Petersmann (Tillburg University)
Student CELP First Annual Winter Conference 07th December 2022

Prof. Ben Pontin (Cardiff University) – Environmental Law
Dr Richard Caddell (Cardiff University) – Fifty Years of the Polar Bear Agreement
Dr Ricardo Pereira (Cardiff University) – Environmental Conservation and Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon Rainforest
Dr Jennifer Allan (Cardiff University) – Insights from COP27
Miss Tegan Harrison (Cardiff University) – Thoughts on Space Security Policy
Dr PJ Blount (Cardiff University) – Air and Space Law