Embracing Clean Tech Developments: How Going Beyond Traditional Approaches Can Deliver the Objectives of the Future Generations Act (Wales) 2015
Kinga Plata, Olivia Wen Xi Ong, Angela Lim, Joseph Semmens and Melissa James.
The climate difficulties the world faces are not slowing down, yet the key to the future can be found in green technology. This blog will take you through a range of green technologies that could be implemented in Wales.
Green technologies can be a crucial mechanism to help countries adhere to global commitments tackling climate change. The dominant global framework is the Paris Agreement 2015, committing countries to placing their emissions reduction targets into domestic policy to achieve them. Significantly, Wales is in a unique position to consider the role of green technology in the current climate crisis. The objectives of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 transcend inter-party politics and require all policymakers to consider investment in the best methods of ensuring a future resilient and prosperous Wales.
The time-intensive and costly nature of law can create barriers to implementing advantageous green tech. Consequently, this blog aims to explore why Wales needs to push beyond its traditional approaches to the climate crisis. The current green revolution cannot justify using a typewriter for what can be achieved on a laptop – we need to utilise the latest technological developments for faster and more meaningful action. Ultimately, this will allow Wales to refocus its clearly ambitious goals into truly achievable changes within the timescales set.
Synthetic trees – maximising efficiency of atmospheric carbon removal
Kinga Plata
Developed by Lackner, a single installation of this pioneering synthetic tree holds the ability to be 1000 times more efficient than a natural tree equivalent.
With regulatory and development focus largely turning to mitigation of further CO2 emissions that aim towards staying within the maximum 2° global temperature increase, synthetic trees instead tackle adaptation to current atmospheric accumulation, that facilitate removal of already-present CO2.
The mechanical trees operate within a disc-filled column, using a specially designed resin to absorb CO2 from the air as it passes through. Once at full absorption, the resin discs are submerged in water, with steam releasing the CO2 as a low-pressure mixture into a barrel below. Each unit is said to daily remove one metric tonne from the atmosphere, making them 1,000 times more efficient than their natural counterparts. Crucially, it differs from common carbon capture technologies as it does not require specific placement near CO2 sources, like power plants, for effective capture. It therefore holds capability for extremely efficient and versatile use globally.
While emissions remain an internationally pertinent consideration, carbon sequestration should hold particular focus within Wales, where the Future Generations Act provides legally-binding goals of improving environmental wellbeing. More pressingly, Wales has committed to an 80% reduction of current carbon levels by 2050. Yet the revised Carbon Delivery Plan offers no consideration for artificial trees, deeming plant photosynthesis as “the only available and functioning mechanism” for locking up atmospheric carbon, focusing on regenerative forestry.

Such stance leaves no room for artificial plant considerations, which may be explicable by the currently high associated costs. Even at mass production, individual price is speculated at $20,000, with a further $100 per tonne removed, for a 15-year lifespan. Despite initial start-up costs, artificial trees are not merely a gamble on innovation. Following Lackner’s partnerships aimed at commercialising carbon capture to lower running costs to $50/tonne, the State of Arizona committed $2.5 million to the creation of a ‘mechanical tree farm’. With London further showing smaller-scale interest across the city, the question now remains regarding Wales’ abstinence. The intention for meeting targets clearly shows, with a worldwide novel carbon sequestration trial beginning in Carmarthenshire, yet it appears that neither current nor future plans step towards interference with green technology in the forestry industry just yet.
Keeping in mind its potential for ubiquitous application anywhere within the city or rural areas, from Cardiff Queen Street to Conwy Valley, there certainly exist clear benefits of nationwide implementation without major interference to the surrounding landscape.
Yet given the gravity of the climate emergency our generation finds itself in, is it time Wales starts living up to its desire of a prosperous country, taking onboard the enormous prospects artificial trees can bring to deliver on green technology objectives? We certainly believe so, and if any of its ambitious low-carbon targets are to be delivered, nature should use a helping hand.
Coastal ‘wastelands’ vs the restoration of salt marshes
Olivia Wen Xi Ong
In the past, salt marshes were regarded as coastal ‘wastelands’. Salt marsh resources in Wales suffered from manmade impact such as land claim and conversion for both agricultural and industrial development. Section 7 of the Environment (Wales) Act 2016 lists coastal salt marsh as a priority habitat in the Marine habitat list under the Littoral sediment section. Salt marshes in the UK have seen loss and damage over centuries. Therefore efforts must be made to restore them.
Salt marshes are incredibly important and have three main functions. Firstly, they provide biodiverse habitats for fish, birds and plants. Secondly, they serve as a ‘carbon sink’ – they are the most effective form of storing carbon per hectare compared to other types of habitats. Thirdly, salt marshes can act as a natural flooding buffer between the sea and dry land, thus reducing wave height and protecting the coast from erosion.
The salt marshes restoration project by Essex Wildlife Trust involves strategically installing coir (coconut fibre) roll structures in low-energy channels within the salt marsh. Sediments are encouraged to build up behind and around the structures hence allowing vegetation to establish. Instead of building high walls that block off communities from the sea, it is better to take advantage of nature-based solutions while utilising new technology and advanced warning and informing systems.
Another successful example of salt marsh restoration is the Steart Marshes created by Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT) and the Environment Agency. It is one of the UK’s largest new wetland reserves. The initial planning for the construction started from April 2009 and the reserve was opened to the public in February 2014. For the consecutive years, various wildlife was observed to be residing at the marshes and the project has also received numerous awards and recognitions.
The UK has set a goal to realign 10% of the coastline by 2030. Time is running out but there is hope. Salt marshes can be reformed within a matter of a few years, compared to rainforests which take centuries. Furthermore, The government should work towards achieving the seven goals under the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, specifically ‘a resilient Wales’. The government has a duty to maintain and enhance the natural environment while using resources efficiently and sustainably.
Carbon negative concrete – the future of construction
Angela Lim
Another new green technology which could be introduced within the construction industry in Wales is the Carbon Negative Concrete Blocks invented by CarbiCrete, a Montreal based company. Here, CarbiCrete changed the production process of cement, allowing for carbon to be stored within the concrete block. Instead of using calcium-based cement, it has been replaced with ground steel slag (waste slag from the steel industry) and cured using carbon dioxide (CO2) captured from industrial plants.
According to CEO Chris Stern, this allows for negative emissions as more carbon is stored away than created during the production process. For every 32 tonnes of CarbiCrete concrete produced creates 998 kg of CO2 but removes 1,000 kg of CO2. This is a game changer since with the use of the usual Portland cement, one tonne of cement produces an equal amount of CO2 emissions. Overall, CarbiCrete states that through the production of 25,000 concrete blocks, they are able to lower CO2 emissions annually by 20,000 tonnes.
Currently in Wales, it has been rather interesting since the Welsh Government has not only established a net zero carbon emission by 2050 but has also set out in the Well-being of the Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 the intention to produce a low carbon society. Several measures have been taken as part of the Welsh Government Net Zero Strategic Plan. For example, there has been investment in the decarbonisation of buildings through the incorporation of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) by considering low carbon construction materials to improve the sustainability of buildings.
While the Welsh government’s focus has been to regulate the reduction of carbon emissions resulting from energy use and heating in buildings, the focus should be shifted to the manufacturing process of construction materials instead. Annually Wales needs to build an additional 6,200 to 8,300 houses to address the housing shortage crisis created by societal growth. Consequently, low carbon construction materials will be in high demand. Therefore, considering that South Wales annually releases 16 million tonnes of CO2 from the industrial and energy sector, the production process of these concrete blocks is easier since Wales would not have to outsource CO2 and the cost of transport of these CO2 gas is reduced.
However, the main risk associated with the use of this technology is the fact that it’s still within the production and fundraising process and its commercial pilot project has just only begun in 2022. Its efficiency and durability have not been confirmed. This means that there is no guarantee as to its impact, as a result insurance companies are reluctant to provide protection for the risk which might take place. Therefore, until proven safe and reliable, it is unlikely that the Welsh government will implement this new green technology.
Hydroelectric and ocean power in Wales – making use of ranges through tidal lagoons
Joseph Semmens
Ocean power uses tidal force and changes in tidal range to generate power through turbines and convert it into electricity. Hydroelectric is a consistent source of energy and has a long life span due to the predictability of tides.
Progress is already underway to harness ocean power in Wales. The First Minister for Wales, Mark Drakeford, recently pledged a £750,000 fund for tidal lagoon research projects at the Marine Energy Wales Conference in Swansea. The Minister also announced the ambition ‘to make Wales a world centre for emerging tidal technology.’ Industry also appears supportive of such projects, with the proposed Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon ‘Blue Eden’ Project entirely funded by private sector investors.
Other tidal power schemes which have been previously discussed include projects in the Severn Estuary, Cardiff-Weston Barrage and the Bridgewater Bay Lagoon.

Some critics have raised potential issues with hydroelectric power. Firstly, large upfront costs can make securing investment difficult. Upfront costs are further exacerbated by the legal costs generated in achieving planning approval for the construction of developments. Nevertheless, recent analysis has shown that the cost of generating power from tidal streams has fallen by 40% since 2018. Secondly, there are concerns that the construction of hydroelectric power infrastructure will cause further environmental degradation. However, several methods have been found to mitigate environmental impact concerns. For example using fish friendly technology like flashing lights and fish ladders to encourage marine life to navigate the lagoon effectively.
The longevity and ecological benefits of hydroelectric power projects correspond well with the Future Generation Act’s objective of ‘a resilient Wales.’
Geothermal heating – a regeneration of mines
Melissa James
Heating homes accounts for 62.8% of energy consumption within the EU residential sector, primarily generated by burning imported oil. Reliance on fuel imports means market prices can be inflated by geopolitical tensions as evidenced by the Ukraine war causing individuals to be ‘vulnerable to gas price volatility.’
An alternative and more sustainable option to imported oil is geothermal technology. Geothermal technology utilises existing underground thermal stores via heat exchangers to operate heating and cooling systems or generate electricity. The amount of energy extracted is dependent on ‘specific geological, hydrogeological, and thermo-physical conditions’ however annual consistency in temperatures produces a sustainable heat solution. Utilisation of these stores is evidenced by historical accounts of hot spring use, however modern use can be translated into the regeneration of disused coal mines. Mine water temperatures are not high enough to generate electricity but do have capacity to heat a localised building.
Global projects illustrate the efficacy of such technologies. For example, Heerlen in the Netherlands has provided city wide heating for over a decade. Further examples can be found in Goyer Quaray Canada, the Zollverein Germany, Parks Hills USA where disused mines have been used to heat surrounding buildings and homes.
Significantly, Wales has an extensive subterranean system of mines due to its historic coal mining industry which transformed agricultural communities into an industrial hubs. The closure of Welsh coal mines during the 1980s created massive unemployment in the region. Today the legacy of abandoned mines goes beyond inter-generational economic depression, as recent flooding caused by disused mine shafts has resulted in extensive property damage. Consequently, there are environmental as well as economic benefits to a geothermal energy residential heating system.
Furthermore, there is a great deal of optimism about the longevity of geothermal energy sources. Such optimism has been further encouraged by support for individual projects in Wales such as proposals for the geothermal heating of a school in Taffs Well. Nevertheless, the government has been slow to act with ministers, only authorising an investigation into geothermal technologies in 2022 – thirteen years behind the Netherlands.
Initially it is unclear why a government subject to the Future Generations Act has not taken a more progressive approach to develop these technologies which have obvious social and environmental benefits. Although early development was likely obstructed by the limited knowledge of the location and condition of disused mine tunnels further investigation into the development of such geothermal heating networks would be socio-economically advantageous as well as compatible with environmental objectives such as the Welsh Carbon Target Plan.
In Summary, our blog’s focus was to explore why, with the existing benefits of green tech, they are not being implemented in Wales on the scale they have the potential to be. While initial barriers were recognised, with dropping costs and ever-easier set-ups, Wales can no longer reasonably justify continued use of traditional methods to achieve changing attitudes that reflect increasingly more ambitious goals set.
Our technologies sought to examine micro and macro scale application of clean technologies across Wales, showing potential for various levels of implementation to meet carbon targets. Summing up, there is clearly potential for application on every scale to create universal action towards a greener future for today. But any plans should keep in mind, ‘time is not costless, so the longer it takes to address the problem, the harder it will be to do so’.