Reading&Research Group
The CaLL Reading & Research Group was established in 2010 and has enjoyed regular meetings since then.
When does it meet? The group usually meets every two to three weeks during term time.
What does it do? Meetings have two possible formats. First, particular sessions can run as a ‘traditional’ reading group where, a pre-circulated reading will be discussed. The papers and chapters discussed are wide-ranging. They can be:
- a ‘classic’ from the archives
- fresh off the press
- central to language and law or forensic linguistics,
- something which brings us into contact with other disciplines
- anything else
If you would like to come along to the Reading Group you are very welcome. No comment is too big, small or daft so please do feel free to come along and chat.
Additionally, if you would like to ‘lead’ a session we would be delighted. Leading a session simply involves selecting a reading which is available through the University Library Catalogue, perhaps devising some prompt questions or general areas for discussion and providing these for circulation in advance. You can then chair the discussion at the session or ask someone else to do that! Contact Frances Rock for more information.
Click here to see details of upcoming meetings of this group. Meetings tend to be arranged on an ad hoc basis so if you would like to be kept informed as meetings are announced, please ask to be added to our mailing list by contacting Frances Rock.