Plenary Speakers

Lee Waters MS
Wales Deputy Minister for Climate Change
Senedd Constituency Member

Lee Waters is the Welsh Labour and Co-operative Member of the Welsh Parliament for the Llanelli constituency.
Before being elected in May 2016, Lee was Director of Wales’s leading independent think-tank, the Institute of Welsh Affairs. He previously ran the sustainable transport charity Sustrans in Wales where he led the campaign for the Active Travel Act. He is a former Chief Political Correspondent of ITV Wales.
His policy interests are wide-ranging, including the economy, the constitution, climate change, the media and provision for looked after children.

“Decarbonising transport through electrification” 

Prof. Liana Cipcigan
School of Engineering, Cardiff University

Dr Liana M. Cipcigan is a Professor at Cardiff University’s School of Engineering leading Sustainable Transport cross-cutting theme. She is Director of the Electric Vehicle Centre of Excellence and leader of Sustainable Transport Research Network. She was at the forefront of the shift to electrified transport for over a decade being recognised nationally and internationally as an expert in Smart Grids and Electric Vehicles integration in electricity and transport networks. She is leading the £1M EPSRC Network+ “Decarbonising Transport through Electrification (DTE), a Whole system approach” integrating road, rail, aerospace and maritime sectors treating these as an integrated system embedded within the electricity energy vector with the goal of decarbonising the transport sector. She collaborated with National Grid during her secondment under Royal Academy of Engineering Industrial Fellowship, working in the Energy Insights department responsible for the Future Energy Scenarios. She has held as PI and Co-I projects in the excess of £15M from EPSRC, Royal Academy of Engineering, Innovate UK, UKERC, Welsh European Funding Office, Welsh Government Quebec-Wales cooperation programme, DPI Discovery Partners Institute USA, EU FP7/H2020/Horizon Europe and industry. She was a member of Low Carbon Vehicles Steering group at Welsh Government providing recommendations to the Welsh Ministry for Economy, Science and Transport. She is a member of BSI technical committee ESL/120 Electrical Energy Storage, European IEC/TC120 Electrical Energy Storage and was a member of WG1 Electric Vehicle Energy Taskforce making suggestions to government and industry to ensure that the GB energy system is ready for and able to facilitate and exploit the mass take up of EVs. She is Convenor of CIGRE WG C6.42 Electric Transportation Energy Supply Systems.

“To share or not to share space? A very British tale”

Dr Ioannis Kaparias
Transport Research Group, University of Southampton

Dr Ioannis Kaparias is Associate Professor in Transport Engineering at the Transportation Research Group of the University of Southampton. He holds a Master degree in Civil Engineering and a PhD in Transport Engineering, both from Imperial College London. Following completion of his studies, he spent four years as a post-doctoral Research Associate at the Centre for Transport Studies of Imperial, working on a wide range of transport research projects. Since 2012 he has held transport academic positions in the UK, first at City University of London and then at the University of Southampton. His research interests include: highway and traffic engineering; active travel modes; public transport operations; and new transport technologies. His work has led to over 120 journal publications and presentations at international conferences. He currently serves as Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the IET Intelligent Transport Systems journal and as a member of the Standing Committee on Pedestrians of the US Transportation Research Board, and he acts as an independent expert for the European Commission in research and innovation activities. Aside from English and his native Greek, he also speaks German, French and Italian.

‘E-scooters: sustainable (or not) personal mobility solutions’

Professor Stephen Greaves
Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies, The University of Sydney Business School, The University of Sydney, Australia.

Stephen is a Professor of Transport Management at the Institute of Transport & Logistics Studies (ITLS), University of Sydney. Stephen holds a Masters degree from University of Cardiff and a PhD from Louisiana State University. Prior to joining the University of Sydney in 2004, Stephen was a lecturer in transport at Monash University, Melbourne. Stephen’s research interests are focused on the health/environmental/safety impacts of transport, new vehicle technologies including electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles, micro-mobility, active travel and innovative travel data collection methods using the latest technologies. He has over 150 refereed publications, has held three major ARC grants and successfully graduated 10 PhD students including 6 as primary supervisor. He has held visiting academic appointments at Université Paris-Est in Paris, University of Nagoya, Japan, Wilfred Laurier University, Canada and University of Tasmania. He provides expert advice and media commentary on a range of transport-related issues and serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Cycling and Micromobility Research. From 2014-17, Stephen served as the Director of the Business School Doctoral studies program. Under his leadership, the program grew in numbers and quality of students, as a range of initiatives focused around scholarships, coursework, and pastoral care were implemented.