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SPARK-MEAD ethnicity research and practice showcase

23 May 2024

A policy-relevant research showcase on ethnicity

On the 10 November 2023, the Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Diversity Research Group (MEAD) and SPARK jointly convened a research showcase focused on Ethnicity.  This event brought together researchers from MEAD, SPARK and across Cardiff University along with SPARK non-academic Member organisations engaged in relevant research.

The Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Diversity Research Group (MEAD) is an interdisciplinary research forum based in the School of Social Sciences at Cardiff University, which aims to provide an inclusive platform for debates on and discussions of the latest cutting-edge research on MEAD in the UK and beyond.

SPARK is the world’s first social science research park, co-locating world-leading social science researchers with private sector companies, public sector bodies, third sector organisations and local community organisations, working towards a common social purpose. That common social purpose is to create a wiser society – to help individuals, communities and organisations understand and develop solutions to the challenges it faces in ways that also contribute to fairer and more equitable outcomes.

Combined, and in collaboration, MEAD and SPARK are well positioned to draw together and showcase a current and rich body of evidence and convene a diverse community of practice from Cardiff University collectively driving research on ethnicity.  Such momentum and profile for this work is ever more important at a time when the University is developing its own anti-racist approach and the Welsh Government’s Anti-racist Wales Action Plan is in its implementation phase.

Examples of research profiled at the event included research on ethnic and religious inequalities in child welfare; educational journeys and experiences of Black British women graduates; experiences of unpaid carers from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities and promoting diverse workforce and inclusion in Welsh schools.

With a deliberately inclusive agenda, there was an open call for expressions of interest and each speaker at the event was allocated 3-5 minutes for a ‘lightning talk’ on their relevant research project, with over 30 lightning talks delivered overall. These talks were grouped thematically, with cohorts focusing on ethnicity in relation to, for example, health and social care and children and young people. Representatives from the Welsh Government and the Wales Centre for Public Policy  were present as a ‘policy panel’ to reflect on the policy relevance and potential policy impact of each presented cohort of research. The Learned Society for Wales, Social Care Wales, Senedd Research and the Academy of Social Sciences were also represented and shared their reflections on the day.

Since the event, contacts made and information shared on the day have led to further collaboration and connections and representatives from SPARK and MEAD will once more be connecting to explore research culture and antiracism at the beginning of July this year.

Organising committee

Dr Anna Skeels, Research Fellow, SPARK and associate member of MEAD

Dr Sofia Vougioukalou, Research Fellow, CARE and co-convenor of MEAD

Professor Sin Yi Cheung, Professor of Sociology, Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales and MEAD director

Professor Chris Taylor, Professor of Social Sciences and Academic Director of SPARK

This event was financially supported by SPARK and the Research Committee of the School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University.