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Christopher Burns

Christopher Burns

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Disruptions to Global Supply Chains, Sustainability, and the Inventory Time Bomb

Posted on 30 May 2022 by Christopher Burns

Sometime during 2018, before the Covid pandemic took over the world, Professor Aris Syntetos interviewed Professor Mike Wilson, the two Directors of the PARC Institute - an industry and academic partnership which researches global supply chains and their performance. Both of them were in agreement and were already predicting that supply chains were under threat and that a rethink on global supply chains was needed.

Sustainability is Driving New Business Dynamics – Repurposing and Connected Collaboration Across Supply Chains

Posted on 5 August 2021 by Christopher Burns

Sustainability has inevitably risen to the top of the agenda when we talk about supply chains. Everywhere, we read and hear about de-carbonisation, carbon neutrality, carbon trade taxes, carbon emissions, carbon footprint and it is all rightly welcomed in the effort to preserve our planet.

Time to say Adieu to Agile

Time to say Adieu to Agile

Posted on 12 July 2019 by Christopher Burns

Lean, agile and all the other methodologies are just that; methodologies. And they don’t work for everyone. In this PARC Insight Andy Lahy, Global Head of Logistics Strategy and Innovation at Panalpina, explains why organisations might want to reconsider their approach to Continuous Improvement by going freestyle and developing a unique solution that best suits their business.