What happens in January for University students?
11 Ionawr 2019
Happy New Year everybody! I hope everyone had lovely holidays and a nice, deserved break. I know I really enjoyed going home and spending time with my loved ones – especially my puppy and cat.
After our joyous Christmas and New Year Celebrations, I am now back at University. However, I have not jumped straight back into lectures (2-hour teaching class) and seminars (50-minute feedback teaching classes) or started new modules (subjects) just yet! I thought I best inform you on what is it exactly that university students do when they return in January and offer some advice along the way for when it comes to be your turn to do so!
- Revision: first and foremost, university students are spending the month revising for their January exams. During this month, we have all our exams and assessments from the following semester’s (similar to a term, but longer) modules. Revision can be difficult, time-consuming and quite honestly, boring. But there are lots of ways to make it easier, such as revising with course mates and making a timetable to follow. However, by the time you come to University, you will be a pro at revising, so it is nothing to worry about at all.
- Concluding lectures and seminars: most students will have final lectures and seminars for a specific module to attend. These will consist of summing up what you have learnt and offering advice for assessments and exams. This are really useful to attend.
- Meeting professors and seminar leaders: you can use this time in January to organise meetings with your professors and seminar leaders for some last-minute advice on your exams and assessments. All staff at Cardiff University are easily accessible and more than happy to help. I have certainly used this advantage for all my assessments.
- Preparing for the new semester: after exams and assessments, university students jump straight back into a new semester, with brand new modules and do it all over again. This time, exams will be after Easter, in the May and June months. Preparing for new modules is always fun for me, brand new folders and stationary and most of all – new content to learn.
- Finalizing housing: many students use the January month to finalize their housing for the following year (though it is different for everyone, some finalize it earlier, some do so later!). For more advice on house hunting, follow this link: http://blogs.cardiff.ac.uk/insiders/2018/11/18/advice-for-house-hunting/
Overall, January is a month to revise, meet professors, conclude subjects and ultimately – drink a lot of coffee! Think of it as a month of tying up all the loose ends of the previous semester and preparing for a brand-new start. I am in the middle of all my essay writing, editing, meetings and so-on, so it is a very busy month after the long-deserved break. I hope this gave you an insight into the month of January for University students. If you have anymore questions, please do not hesitate to leave a comment below!
What happens in January for University students?
11 Ionawr 2019
Happy New Year everybody! I hope everyone had lovely holidays and a nice, deserved break. I know I really enjoyed going home and spending time with my loved ones – especially my puppy and cat.
After our joyous Christmas and New Year Celebrations, I am now back at University. However, I have not jumped straight back into lectures (2-hour teaching class) and seminars (50-minute feedback teaching classes) or started new modules (subjects) just yet! I thought I best inform you on what is it exactly that university students do when they return in January and offer some advice along the way for when it comes to be your turn to do so!
- Revision: first and foremost, university students are spending the month revising for their January exams. During this month, we have all our exams and assessments from the following semester’s (similar to a term, but longer) modules. Revision can be difficult, time-consuming and quite honestly, boring. But there are lots of ways to make it easier, such as revising with course mates and making a timetable to follow. However, by the time you come to University, you will be a pro at revising, so it is nothing to worry about at all.
- Concluding lectures and seminars: most students will have final lectures and seminars for a specific module to attend. These will consist of summing up what you have learnt and offering advice for assessments and exams. This are really useful to attend.
- Meeting professors and seminar leaders: you can use this time in January to organise meetings with your professors and seminar leaders for some last-minute advice on your exams and assessments. All staff at Cardiff University are easily accessible and more than happy to help. I have certainly used this advantage for all my assessments.
- Preparing for the new semester: after exams and assessments, university students jump straight back into a new semester, with brand new modules and do it all over again. This time, exams will be after Easter, in the May and June months. Preparing for new modules is always fun for me, brand new folders and stationary and most of all – new content to learn.
- Finalizing housing: many students use the January month to finalize their housing for the following year (though it is different for everyone, some finalize it earlier, some do so later!). For more advice on house hunting, follow this link: http://blogs.cardiff.ac.uk/insiders/2018/11/18/advice-for-house-hunting/
Overall, January is a month to revise, meet professors, conclude subjects and ultimately – drink a lot of coffee! Think of it as a month of tying up all the loose ends of the previous semester and preparing for a brand-new start. I am in the middle of all my essay writing, editing, meetings and so-on, so it is a very busy month after the long-deserved break. I hope this gave you an insight into the month of January for University students. If you have anymore questions, please do not hesitate to leave a comment below!
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