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Postiadau blog diweddaraf

The Summer Before University

The Summer Before University

Postiwyd ar 10 Mehefin 2018 gan Megan

So, you’ve almost finished your A Levels (congratulations!) and you’ll hopefully be off to university in September. This is an exciting time in your life – be prepared for lots […]

Student Life Vlogs – Choosing a Course

Student Life Vlogs – Choosing a Course

Postiwyd ar 6 Mehefin 2018 gan Dan

Hello again! Welcome to my second Vlog. In this episode I will talk about how and why I chose Electrical and Electronic Engineering as a degree and what you should […]

Moving Out Day

Postiwyd ar 31 Mai 2018 gan Ellie

So the time has come. After a memorable and brilliant first year at Cardiff University it is time to begin the mammoth task of packing up my hordes of possessions […]

10 Things I’ve Learnt Throughout Second Year

10 Things I’ve Learnt Throughout Second Year

Postiwyd ar 29 Mai 2018 gan Gee

Despite part time work and two weeks of work experience ahead, I am finally able to sit back and relax for the summer. Second year went ridiculously quick, it seems […]

Finding Revision Motivation

Finding Revision Motivation

Postiwyd ar 27 Mai 2018 gan Hope

It is so hard trying to find motivation to revise for these last few exams. The end of University is so tantalisingly close - I only have two exams this […]

End of year stress

Postiwyd ar 27 Mai 2018 gan Tamzin

Last week I had three exams, this is the most amount of exams I have had over the past three years in exam period. I had to endure Monday, Wednesday […]

Exam venues

Postiwyd ar 26 Mai 2018 gan Tamzin

Exam venues make me more stressed than some of my actual exams. Not just the layout and echo of a crowded hall, but the fear of forgetting your student card, […]

Revision tips for 6th form students

Revision tips for 6th form students

Postiwyd ar 25 Mai 2018 gan Gee

My second year studying Journalism and Communications at Cardiff University has come to an end. Though I am so relieved and grateful to be back at home, it has come […]

Top 15 First Year Advice

Top 15 First Year Advice

Postiwyd ar 17 Mai 2018 gan Ellie

As my first year at Cardiff University draws to a close, I am left pondering what I have learnt and what I would change. However, what I can say is […]

Pros & Cons of Bringing Your Car to University

Pros & Cons of Bringing Your Car to University

Postiwyd ar 11 Mai 2018 gan Gee

I think everyone can agree that there is no better freedom than when you finally own your own car. From the age of 17, most people are rushing to their […]