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Postiadau blog diweddaraf

Internship Summer Plans

Internship Summer Plans

Postiwyd ar 11 Mehefin 2019 gan Ellie

As the end of term draws to a close for the year, it is time to start thinking about this year’s summer plans! Last year I spent my long break […]

What I will miss about being an undergraduate student at Cardiff University

What I will miss about being an undergraduate student at Cardiff University

Postiwyd ar 10 Ebrill 2019 gan Gee

This week I have just had my last ever lecture as an undergraduate at Cardiff University. It has come around so quickly and within the next few weeks I will […]

How to stay productive this Easter?

How to stay productive this Easter?

Postiwyd ar 2 Ebrill 2019 gan Gee

Easter holidays are just a week and a half away and although I am really excited and ready for a break, it is important to still remain productive over the […]

Applying for Student Finance

Applying for Student Finance

Postiwyd ar 24 Mawrth 2019 gan Gee

It is the time of year where students starting University in September need to start thinking about confirming their places and sorting out their student finance! First and foremost, you […]

How to be professional on social media whilst at university

How to be professional on social media whilst at university

Postiwyd ar 21 Mawrth 2019 gan Hannah

Social media is now well and truly part of our everyday lives. I am on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat and Instagram. Of course, I primarily use these to connect with […]

What you might not think about taking to uni…

What you might not think about taking to uni…

Postiwyd ar 21 Mawrth 2019 gan Hannah

There are countless - and endless - lists online advising you on what is best to take to university when you're leaving home for the first time. I don't want […]

How to decide on Courses and Universities

How to decide on Courses and Universities

Postiwyd ar 19 Mawrth 2019 gan Gee

In a couple of weeks, I will have finished my three-year degree at Cardiff University. Suddenly, I find myself in a position where I need to decide where to do […]

How to manage your money at university!

How to manage your money at university!

Postiwyd ar 19 Mawrth 2019 gan Phoebe

You’ll realise very quickly that money is a big talking point at Uni. It is a slightly different experience coming from Guernsey, as you don’t get student finance and most […]

Why Cardiff?

Why Cardiff?

Postiwyd ar 11 Mawrth 2019 gan Phoebe

When in my first year of sixth form, we had lots of talks about what to do next, how to find your perfect university and were encouraged to look round […]

What to Take to Uni: The Essential Checklist

What to Take to Uni: The Essential Checklist

Postiwyd ar 8 Mawrth 2019 gan Ellie

I remember that feeling very well. The feeling of complete pre-uni panic surrounding what I will bring with me to my room in my halls of residence. Needless to say […]