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What to Look for When Finding your Perfect Student House

What to Look for When Finding your Perfect Student House

Postiwyd ar 5 Chwefror 2020 gan Ellie

So, it’s that time in your first year of university that you begin to get bombarded by student letting agents telling you that they offer a whole load of tempting […]

My Global Opportunities Experience: La Universidad de Granada

My Global Opportunities Experience: La Universidad de Granada

Postiwyd ar 4 Chwefror 2020 gan Charlotte

Wow, what a semester I’ve had! Looking back at how much I’ve done in three and a half months really is crazy. Thanks to Granada´s position in the south of […]

10 Alternative Night Out Ideas in Cardiff

10 Alternative Night Out Ideas in Cardiff

Postiwyd ar 2 Chwefror 2020 gan Ellie

Sometimes, all you need is just to get out the house and have an evening out, but this doesn’t always have to mean heading to the club. With Cardiff catering […]

The Country Bumpkin Guide to Cardiff

The Country Bumpkin Guide to Cardiff

Postiwyd ar 28 Ionawr 2020 gan Rowenna

So, you’re a self-confessed country-bumpkin, the trees and seas of home are calling, and you don’t know how to satisfy your need for nature. The adjustment can be hard, but […]

Symud mewn i Dŷ

Symud mewn i Dŷ

Postiwyd ar 3 Rhagfyr 2019 gan Daniel

Ar ôl blwyddyn o fyw mewn Neuadd Breswyl yng Ngogledd Talybont, roeddwn – heb os nac oni bai - yn barod i symud mewn i dŷ ar gyfer fy ail […]

How does Cardiff University celebrate Christmas?

How does Cardiff University celebrate Christmas?

Postiwyd ar 26 Tachwedd 2019 gan Ellie

Christmas time at Cardiff uni is always a fun time of year. Plenty of events are put on in the last few weeks of the semester and here is just […]

Cardiff’s Top Christmas Activities to Get You in the Festive Spirit

Cardiff’s Top Christmas Activities to Get You in the Festive Spirit

Postiwyd ar 24 Tachwedd 2019 gan Ellie

Christmas is well and truly on its way which means it’s time to start thinking about what fun festive activities you will get up to in the Welsh capital. So […]

6 Things I Learned During My Year of Working Abroad

6 Things I Learned During My Year of Working Abroad

Postiwyd ar 18 Tachwedd 2019 gan Lauren

Many uni courses offer a year abroad, whether it be obligatory or optional, but if you’re studying a language like me, the likelihood is that a year abroad is a […]

Profiadau Allygyrsiol Cymreig

Profiadau Allygyrsiol Cymreig

Postiwyd ar 15 Tachwedd 2019 gan Daniel

Yng Nghaerdydd, ceir yna gyfoeth o brofiadau allgyrsiol Cymreig. Gall y rhain amrywio o brofiadau chwaraeon i brofiadau cerddorol. Rwyf am grybwyll ychydig o’r rhai yr wyf wedi manteisio arnynt, […]

Studying at a Spanish University

Studying at a Spanish University

Postiwyd ar 15 Tachwedd 2019 gan Angharad

Ask any language graduate about the pinnacle of their degree, and the answer will undoubtedly be the infamous Year Abroad.  I still pinch myself every day over the fact that […]