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Welsh History

Archiecture, planning and health – why understanding the past helps the present

Posted on 15 July 2024 by Keir Waddington

Juliet Davis and Keir Waddington reflect on working together across disciplines to understand the interconnections between architecture, planning and health What started as a conversation in 2022 about Covid, planning, […]

Co-creating new pasts and new futures: the Roman ‘Diff Fusion Project

Posted on 5 February 2024 by Keir Waddington

CAER Heritage Centre launch with community members and First Minister Mark Drakeford Hello, I’m Dave Wyatt and I have a slightly unusual role because I am a Reader in Civic […]

Cymro a’i Geiniog / A Welsh King and his Coin

Posted on 2 November 2023 by Keir Waddington

Doedd brenhinoedd y Cymry ddim yn rhai i roi eu henwau ar geiniogau – fel arfer. Mae un eithriad: ceiniog sy’n dwyn yr enw Hoƿæl Rex. Hywel ap Cadell (Hywel […]

Fire, News and Slate: The Story of the ‘Hamburg Bluchers’

Fire, News and Slate: The Story of the ‘Hamburg Bluchers’

Posted on 26 October 2023 by Keir Waddington

Porthmadog Museum in north Wales displays a pair of heavy work boots called ‘Blutsiars Hambro’ or ‘Hamburg Bluchers’, their heavy wooden soles matched with rough leather and metal buckles. The […]