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Visiting Another School

Posted on 13 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

Today we did not have any lessons as we were visiting another school. Another school in Muang Samsip was holding a singing and dancing competition and a small fair with […]

English Club

English Club

Posted on 12 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

Knowing I had to teach first thing unfortunately did not make getting up any easier. It was G.10 at 8.30am and after looking through the textbook I had planned to […]

My First Day Teaching

My First Day Teaching

Posted on 11 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

So having done no planning the previous day, I spent the first two hours of my day panicking about the three classes I had. I managed to put together a […]

English Quiz

Posted on 11 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

Today we did not get pancakes. It was incredibly disappointing during the early morning after a weekend of relaxing. We did get fried egg and rice though, so it wasn’t […]