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Summer Programmes

Losing My ‘Blogging’ Virginity

14 October 2016


My name is Maisy Provan I am a third year Physiotherapy student studying at Cardiff University. This is the beginning of my diary / blog of my time away in Sri Lanka completing a placement as part of my Physiotherapy degree. This is also the first time I will have ever attempted or even written a blog so here goes…

After months of planning and organisation my trip was finally been approved and now I cannot wait for the adventure to begin in just less than 5 weeks time.

The excitement of carrying out a placement in such a beautiful country full of Buddhist Temples, wild life, bustling streets markets and natural wonders awaits. Bringing opportunities to experience a different side of Physiotherapy practise. Working with amputees from the Civil War and various other pathologies / conditions from cerebral palsy, fractures, stroke, MSK, burns, and Guillain-Barre syndrome. I will be able to work alongside local specialists who have undergone different training and have rehabilitative tools that may be entirely homemade, and some innovative techniques. Giving me an opportunity to see if I can share some of the knowledge and practises I have learnt and possibly take home some new skills and ways of working with patients.

I hope some people out there may find my blog interesting allowing an insight into Physiotherapy and Medical practise in not only another health board or country but in a whole other continent.
