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International Exchange

Living in one of the world’s greatest cities

11 October 2017

I am lucky enough to currently be living and studying in Sydney, a city so incredible that it isn’t even up for debate that it’s one of the best cities in the world. In the short few months that I’ve been here I have decided that I never want to leave and here are the 3 main reasons why.


For us Brits the weather is so temperamental it is useless planning anything outdoors more than three days in advance. Here however, I can’t even remember that last time it rained (which is obviously not good for the environment and is a big red flag for global warming but hey, at least it’s good for beach trips). I arrived in July meaning it was winter in Australia but it was still warmer than being back home. And it’s only going to get warmer and the nights lighter as everyone in the UK is getting plunged into the depths of a dark winter. This has led to me incessantly snap chatting the temperature filter to friends and family back home, just to make them that little bit more jealous.


Macquarie University is around a 30 minute train ride north-west of Sydney. Although having taken the train into the city many times, I am yet to become desensitised as the train goes over the Harbour Bridge, giving you the perfect view of the Sydney Opera House. Not only does Sydney have these gems to boast about, but it is also home to beautiful botanical gardens, amazing museums and art galleries and a delicious cookie dough shop (a personal fave). One of my favourite things to do is walk to the end of Mrs Macquarie’s Point and watch the sun set behind the Harbour Bridge and Opera House. The view you get is incomparable to other sunset spots in Sydney. With it being the biggest city in Australia, there are constantly events taking place around the city. My favourite so far was the Chocolate Festival on the Rocks (the area around the bridge and Opera House). With so many stalls and so much chocolate, there was nothing not to love.


So obviously I’ve been attempting to live up to the Australian stereotype of spending all day everyday at the beach. This is made difficult by assignments but I’ve still managed a fair few beach trips. Bondi Beach was the first one I visited (obviously) and still remains to be the best in my opinion. The vast beach makes it the perfect place to watch the surfers and chill. There are also weekend markets and a coastal walk which gives you incredible views of the Pacific ocean. Another amazing beach is Manly Beach, just north of the city. We were crazy enough to get up at 3am to get to Manly for sunrise. Despite being exhausted, the view was well worth it and has led to me becoming a sunrise enthusiast as well as a sunset one.


So there you have it, my three favourite things about living in Sydney: the weather, the sights and the beaches. Life really can’t get much better than it is when you’re living in one of the world’s greatest cities.