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Jade Rushby

Jade Rushby

Second year Journalism student studying at the Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand for semester 2 :)

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A quick update from an aspiring kiwi

A quick update from an aspiring kiwi

Posted on 11 May 2018 by Jade Rushby

Welcome to my newest blog post. I’m nearing the end of my exchange in New Zealand now, with only around a month or so left to go! I miss home […]

My NZ studies so far

Posted on 23 March 2018 by Jade Rushby

Okay so, this is my second blog post since arriving in Auckland. It has been a while but as they say, beauty takes time! I’ve now been here around a […]

Exchange in Auckland, New Zealand

Exchange in Auckland, New Zealand

Posted on 27 February 2018 by Jade Rushby

Hello, this is my first blog post so far since arriving in Auckland, New Zealand. As most people write, I have just been so busy! I’m here for one semester […]