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Naomi Machin

Naomi Machin

Naomi Machin, a 20 year old Journalism, Media & Cultural Studies student at Cardiff University who has a serious case of the travel bug...

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Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal Symptoms

Posted on 20 September 2015 by Naomi Machin

Two months home and these withdrawal symptoms have not faded... I need to go back. It seems like only yesterday I was typing away for my previous blogs on departing […]

Settling in!

Settling in!

Posted on 8 March 2015 by Naomi Machin

So, it has taken me a few weeks to post my second blog - the WiFi here isn't too great :-(!! However, I finally am able to record my experience at […]


Posted on 30 January 2015 by Naomi Machin

So, 16 days until departure; I cannot believe how quick time has gone. It seems like only yesterday I was applying to study abroad for my second term at Cardiff […]