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International Exchange

A quick summary of 7 weeks in Hong Kong

8 October 2016

Hi everyone, my name is Anna and I’m a second year Psychology student currently on a one-semester exchange at the University of Hong Kong. I love to travel and see new places, so when the Psych department at Cardiff said this exchange was available, I was sure I wanted to go for it, and I got a place!

Fast forward 9 months, and I have now been living in Hong Kong for 7 weeks. I am still finding it hard to grasp how far away from home I am, and can’t believe I am nearly halfway through my time here!

View from the Plane


The first few weeks here I was doing all of the touristy things, such as visiting the Tian Tan Buddha, ascending the Victoria Peak and I went up the International Commerce Centre, the 10th tallest building in the world! It was all amazing, and felt as though I was just on holiday here. However, we then entered September and the serious stuff started – lectures. But they aren’t too daunting, I’m only at uni 3 days each week so it’s really relaxed. As well as doing the 3 compulsory modules needed by Cardiff, I’m doing a module in Counselling, as this is an area I’m quite interested in. Lectures are going well and I’ve some of my midterm exams next week, so things are starting to get a bit more intense, but it’s definitely preferable to having exams in January, I’ll be chilling at home then!

Victoria Harbour
Victoria Harbour
View from the International Commerce Centre
View from the International Commerce Centre
Beautiful Monastery on Lantau Island
View from Victoria Peak
View from Victoria Peak
At one with the Tian Tan Buddha
At one with the Tian Tan Buddha

One of my favourite places to visit here is an observation deck which overlooks the Victoria Harbour. Being someone from the UK, it’s amazing to see so many skyscrapers in such a small amount of space. I haven’t done very well with the food here, as someone who is veggie and doesn’t like Chinese food, I maybe should’ve thought about it more before I came here.

So I’ll sign off for now, as I’ve got to get on with revision, but I’ll be back soon. Bye!