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Summer Programmes

19 Days till Christmas!

6 December 2016

Had a lovely weekend exploring more of Sri Lanka. The girls and I headed to Trincomalee, to the beach and to explore the town. It was lovely to have a chill after an exhausting week on placement.

For the last 2 days I have been based in the paediatric gym in the Physiotherapy department. Assessing and treating children with cerebral palsy, torticollis and children for post-fracture management. Most of the fractures were as a result of road accidents.

Yesterday afternoon the Chief Nursing Superintendent gave us a lecture on congenital heart diseases and liver failure. It was interesting to see the differences in teaching styles. He was very informative and his knowledge was amazing. Nurses in Sri Lanka spend a year of their training learning about pharmacology; therefore their knowledge of drugs, doses and indications is very good. The nursing students I am staying with said that differs a lot from home, where they learn more about drugs on placement rather than in Univeristy.

I only have 3 days left on placement here and can’t believe the amount I have seen and done in my time here.

The weather here has been 28-33 degrees virtually every day, so we are planning to have a small christmas party on Thursday evening to try and get in the christmas spirit!