We held our annual Erasmus Welcome Reception at the Cardiff EDC on Thursday 19 October. As always we welcomed students visiting Cardiff University and other HE institutions in the area on an Erasmus Study Exchange. We also welcomed UK students who are planning to go on such an exchange (or even just beginning to wonder whether they should try the experience in the coming year or so). Finally, the event was about celebrating 30 years of the Erasmus Programme and its great success.

More than sixty students attended, coming from ten different European countries and studying at eleven different departments at Cardiff University, as well as students from Cardiff Met and the University of South Wales. We explained how the Cardiff EDC can help students in their studies and research during their time in Cardiff through our European information expertise, while also showing how the Centre is a pleasant place for them to work with friendly, welcoming and well-informed staff.

David Hughes, Head of the European Commission Representation in Wales, attended the Reception and also spoke to the students, along with Ian Thomson and Frederico Rocha from the Cardiff EDC.