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19 April/mis Ebrill 2023: Hui Sun

19 April/mis Ebrill (Week 9 of term): Hui Sun, Cardiff University

Title: Individual differences in second language speech production and perception: The role of the speaker and the listener

Abstract: Second language (L2) speakers have been found to be penalized for deviations from the (local) native norm in their speech production, such as foreign accent and grammatical errors (Baese‐Berk, McLaughlin, & McGowan, 2020), which may result in discrimination in high-stake evaluation. The negative perception could derive from the low comprehensibility (ease of understanding) of the speech and/or the social bias against L2 speakers. In this seminar, I will touch upon both perspectives by discussing the role of individual differences in second language speech production and perception—(i) how speakers’ individual differences (L2 experience, aptitude, motivation, personality) determine the comprehensibility and accentedness (accent nativelikeness) of their L2 speech; and (ii) how listeners’ individual differences (personality traits) interact with linguistic features (accent, grammaticality) to determine their acceptability ratings of L2 speech. The findings support the importance of taking a more balanced approach to L2 acquisition research, as the success in spoken communications relies on both interlocutors.

This seminar will be hybrid although Hui will be present and we encourage in-person attendance in Room 3.62 of the John Percival Building. To join online click here.