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Learning about contrast

19 June 2024

At our most recent Centre for Medical Education Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee meeting we were looking at some posters. A colleague mentioned that they found the posters quite difficult to read and talked about the contrast between the text and the background. As often is the case, this prompted me to learn something.

I was reminded about a talk in May I attended by Beth Kume-Holland – the Annual University of Oxford Disability Lecture. Beth Kume-Holland listed four quick wins on the topic of accessible communications:

  • Include alt text and image descriptions with any images
  • Make sure all video content includes closed captions
  • Ensure proper contrast between any text and its background
  • Camel Case your hashtags. (#dontbeinaccessible #BeAccessible)

This prompted the question for me: what is proper contrast between text and backgrounds. A web search identified some very useful recommendations and resources.

This Scope website had an article all about Contrast:

It talks about low contrast when colours are too similar (for example, yellow and orange) and high contrast when colours are very different from each other (for example, black and white). A contrast ratio of 1:1 shows no contrast; a 21:1 ratio shows a high contrast, for example black text on a white document. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2 suggest a minimum contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for small text and 3:1 for large text. It describes an optimal compliance suggests a ratio of 7:1.

This site by WebAIM allows a calculation of contrast ratio. You can identify colours from an image using this site. Here is an example of what I have done to calculate a contrast ratio.

Two squares of colour: an orange and a blue.

Code for the 0range colour: #EEA480

Code for the blue colour: #05427C

This gives a ratio of 4.93:1 which passes the WCAG AA requirement. To pass the WCAG AAA requirement, the contrast would need to be increased to 7:1. This could be done by changing the lightness of the one or both of the two colours.

Here is what I have tried. I’m not sure how much difference it makes so I need to discuss this with others.

Output from contrast checker changing lightness so that the ratio increases greater than 7:1.


Some more information on these sites too: