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LGBTQ+ learning and events

23 February 2022


As we come to the end of LGBTQ+ History Month, there are three things I would like to share with you.

The first thing is the UK Medical Schools Charter on So-Called LGBTQ+ ‘Conversion Therapy’  which is championed by GLADD: the Association of LGBTQ+ Doctors and Dentists. Members of the School have discussed this Charter at two EDI Committee and hope that the School of Medicine will sign up to this very soon.

“ ‘Conversion therapy’ is an umbrella term for a therapeutic approach, or any model or individual viewpoint that demonstrates an assumption that any sexual orientation or gender identity is inherently preferable to any other, and which attempts to bring about a change of sexual orientation or gender identity, or seeks to suppress an individual’s expression of sexual orientation or gender identity on that basis.”

It is important to acknowledge the legacy of so called “conversion therapy” and the harm it has caused for many generations. I believe it’s time for this harm to be brought to an end.


Secondly, I’m interested and excited about this course from Future Learn entitled: Transgender Healthcare: Caring for Trans Patients by St George’s, University of London. It is a four week free course that is open and free starting on Monday, the 28th of February. Usually Future Learn courses can be joined while they are ongoing.


Finally, on Sunday the 27th of February there is an LGBTQIA Remembrance Vigil at 18:30. One of the partners organising this is Healthcare Equality and Advocacy for LGBTQ+ (HEAL Society). The Vigil seeks to remember Dr Gary Jenkins and the many others who have lost their lives because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. A nice piece has been published on the Cardiff University intranet about Dr Jenkins.