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Beaches, bugs and plastic in Arctic Canada

Beaches, bugs and plastic in Arctic Canada

Posted on 15 September 2022 by Arctic Relations

by Huw Griffiths, Cath Waller and Steve Roberts The Arctic is undergoing dramatic changes, including unprecedented decline in sea ice and rising temperatures. These changes are likely to have significant […]

Review: “The Grizzlies” – Inspiring Ambassadors of Hope

Posted on 1 February 2021 by Arctic Relations

By Nicole Tornquist © Mongrel Media The movie “The Grizzlies” is eye-opening. Yes, there is heartache, there are things no one will talk about. In the end though, this […]

Recent Developments in Arctic Maritime Constabulary Forces: Canadian and Norwegian Perspectives

Recent Developments in Arctic Maritime Constabulary Forces: Canadian and Norwegian Perspectives

Posted on 13 June 2019 by Arctic Relations

By Timothy Choi Within ongoing discussions on the state of Arctic geopolitics and prospects for continued interstate cooperation, a prominent variable has been the changes in Arctic states’ respective military […]

The winding road of Arctic reality television

The winding road of Arctic reality television

Posted on 28 January 2019 by Arctic Relations

By Derek Moscato. Canada’s 137 km Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk Highway—built atop permafrost and traversing a polar landscape dotted with thousands of lakes and streams—just recently celebrated its one-year anniversary. In […]