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“The summer school highlighted the significance of global research connectivity” – Wolfson Centre Summer School 2023

20 July 2023
My name is Sangita Santosham and I attended the Wolfson Centre Summer School 2023. I am a counselling psychologist and private practitioner based in Chennai, India. My primary focus is on providing support to adolescents and emerging adults.


When a colleague shared a link with me about the upcoming 2023 Wolfson Centre Summer School in Youth Mental Health Research, I was excited. As a clinician in India focused on both practice and research in young adult mental health, this opportunity promised a chance to engage with experts from one of the world’s foremost institutions in mental health research. Needless to say, I was more than thrilled when the email arrived, providing all the details of the three-day Summer School.

As the monsoons lashed through my window, I logged in every day, determined not to miss a single minute of the event. What consistently amazed me throughout those three days was the impressive research quality on display and the practical real-world significance of the findings. Each speaker’s presentation was exceptionally well-structured, making complex information easily understandable.

The concept of virtual coffee sessions with the speakers was brilliant and proved highly beneficial. This interactive platform enabled me to connect with fellow participants worldwide, offering valuable insights into their diverse research areas.

Dr. Rhys Bevan-Jones’ talk on online mental health resources was of particular interest to me. It allowed me to discuss the online resources I employ in my practice, as well as popular options in my country. This session further sparked my exploration into the potential of AI in mental health, specifically concerning adolescents and young adults. As the summer school concluded, I reached out to Dr. Rhys, conveying my interest, and he generously shared a plethora of valuable links, enriching my understanding.

To me the summer school highlighted the significance of global research connectivity, underscoring our shared interconnectedness. I anticipate that more practitioners and researchers will gain from this experience, much like myself, and I eagerly recommend it to all my colleagues.

Thank you so much to Sangita for sharing her experience with us.

You can connect with Sangita on various social media platforms using the handles @sangitasantosham and

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