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Meeting updates

UEB, 27 November 2017

27 November 2017
  • It was noted that the College of Physical Sciences and Engineering had hosted a visit from the Beijing based China University of Mining and Technology.
  • It was noted that Professor Matt Smalley had been appointed as Director of the European Cancer Stem Cell University Research Institute.
  • It was noted that the Cardiff Medicentre had celebrated its 25th anniversary with Sir Mansel Aylward, Chair of the Life Science Hub Wales, as the guest of honour.
  • It was noted that the REF Committee would be reviewing Rolling REF II tomorrow and Professor Thomas would be meeting with the Vice-Chancellor and College PVCs in December to discuss the results.
  • It was noted that the Secretary of State of Wales wished to hold an Economic Development Summit between the South West and South Wales.
  • It was noted that The Way Forward 2018-2023 would be launched in January 2018 with further engagement with staff during Speak Week and the expectation of a launch event in The Senedd at the end of March.
  • UEB received a paper evaluating the current international scholarship offering and requesting continuation of the funding. It was agreed to approve the suggested funding for the international external/partner scholarships and the agreed investment in PGR scholarships and to approve the continuation of the UG and PGT scholarship schemes for three consecutive years.
  • UEB received a paper outlining the direction of travel for a University digital education strategy. It was noted that there are a variety of tools and software solutions in existence across the University and that it would be helpful for a consistent University approach to ensure staff and students were effectively supported.  It was agreed to endorse the direction of travel.
  • UEB received a briefing on the Chancellor’s recent budget.

UEB received the following regular reports

  • Chief Operating Officer’s monthly report
  • PVC College of Biomedical and Life Sciences monthly report