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Meeting updates

UEB 15 September 2014

15 September 2014
  • In July the Students’ Union presented their 2014 Student Written Submission to Council. This set out their strategy for the academic year 2014/15. The University’s draft response was discussed in UEB and will be presented to Council in October 2014.  It was noted that for the first time the University response included a summary of progress against actions agreed last year.
  • The meeting noted that Voyager, the library management system, is nearing the end of its use. The University has led a procurement project to implement a new and innovative cloud hosted system as part of a consortium with all other Welsh universities and the National Library of Wales. This initial case to replace the library management system in Cardiff was approved by University Operations Board in November 2011 and supported by an update business case today for a consortial procurement. Cardiff will implement the new system in 2016/17, along with the NHS libraries across Wales (who currently share the Voyager system with the University). UEB agreed to approve the capital funding for the implementation of the new system in 2016/17 at a cost of £1.25m over a seven year period. The project is anticipated to deliver substantial savings over the contract period when compared to current maintenance costs.
  • A proposal to create a University research network – STATcog – which would welcome members with an interest in statistics from any School or College on a voluntary basis was discussed. It was agreed that that the College PVCs would include this cross-university activity in their discussion on Big Data to decide on next steps.
  • A proposal for the use of 100% recycled paper was brought to UEB.  The use of 100% recycled paper for day to day University business had been included in the Environmental Management Systems Group’s objectives and targets for 2013/14.  It was noted that in 2013 the University had taken part in the “Shrink Paper Project” managed by the European Environment Network, which further supported the move to greater use of recycled paper.  Blind testing had been conducted on the library photocopiers and printers with no operational issues.  It was agreed to approve the move to greater use of recycled paper.

UEB received the following regular reports

  • Report on Engagement Activities
  • Report on International Activities
  • Report on Research and Innovation Activities