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Increase understanding of autism and stop wrongly blaming parents

Increase understanding of autism and stop wrongly blaming parents

Posted on 11 August 2017 by Professor Susan Leekam

Sue Leekam and Catherine R.G. Jones As many as 1.1% of the population of the UK has autism spectrum disorder (ASD), making it a relatively common condition. Yet ASD can […]

Could data science revolutionise mental health care?

Could data science revolutionise mental health care?

Posted on 2 August 2017 by Kathryn Excell

One in four people are affected by mental illness each year, with often devastating impacts on their lives. And whilst mental illness is gaining increasing attention in the media and […]

My Cardiff diary

My Cardiff diary

Posted on 24 July 2017 by Dr Niran Okewole

Why was I in Cardiff? Eighteen years ago, while still in medical school, a Cameroonian geneticist took a few of us in our Genetics club (which I had joined out […]

Why mindfulness matters in medical education

Why mindfulness matters in medical education

Posted on 18 July 2017 by Dr Craig Hassed

This post is based on a paper that appears in the second issue of The British Student Doctor Journal, an imprint of Cardiff University Press. There are many challenges associated […]

Masculinity: A blessing and a burden?

Masculinity: A blessing and a burden?

Posted on 7 July 2017 by Robert Searle

It is often our personal experiences which influence our academic trajectory. Throughout my life to date, I have been told that I need to demonstrate certain behaviours, simply because I […]

Schizophrenia: from new brain cells to the immune system

Schizophrenia: from new brain cells to the immune system

Posted on 8 June 2017 by Niels Haan

We still don’t really know much about one of the most common psychiatric diseases – schizophrenia. However, my research, and that of many others, shows things such as neurogenesis (formation […]

What price student mental health?

What price student mental health?

Posted on 9 May 2017 by Ben Hannigan

In Wales prescription medicines are free. In England the situation is different, with each prescribed item now costing £8.60. Exemptions can be claimed, including by people aged 60 or over, […]

Mental incapacity is not a legal incapacity to vote

Mental incapacity is not a legal incapacity to vote

Posted on 3 May 2017 by Dr Lucy Series

This first appeared on The Small Places blog It’s that time again… …Yep, there’s a general election coming atcha!  Don’t know who to vote for? Don’t understand the options? Struggling to […]

Stress in early life – the impact on mental illness

Stress in early life – the impact on mental illness

Posted on 25 April 2017 by Anna Moon

You’re under threat. Your brain reacts instantly. Like a runner at the start line of a race, it springs into action as if the threat was a gunshot. The hypothalamus […]

The immune system and the brain: complement or casualty?

The immune system and the brain: complement or casualty?

Posted on 12 April 2017 by Laura Westacott

For a long time it has been assumed that the sole purpose of the immune system is to defend the body against infection. However, research is now showing that your […]