Meet the IRFLUVA Research Team
5 June 2024Our research team is composed of a variety of experts in immunology, ageing, flu and clinical research and this expertise makes our research study robust and we hope this ensures our research leads to real impacts for patients and public health. Importantly, two experienced members of the public – PPI members – are also part of our team and they have been involved in the design and implementation of IRFLUVA from the outset. We feel involving them in our research is critical to its success and their expertise adds so much to this project. Our research team consists of Dr Lucy Jones (our lead clinical researcher, a medical doctor and clinical researcher with expertise in immune ageing, infection and vaccine response trials at Cardiff University), Professor Katja Simon (a global expert in Immune ageing at University of Oxford and Berlin), Dr Ghada Alsaleh (an expert in immune ageing, infection and inflammation at University of Oxford), Dame Professor Teresa Lambe (a global expert in flu research, University of Oxford), Dr Brad Spiller ( Head of Microbiology, Division of Infection and Immunity at Cardiff University), Dr Nicholas Peckham (an expert in statistical analysis at Oxford Clinical Trials Research Unit), Dr John Watkins (a statistician at Cardiff University), Mr Martin Rolph and Mrs Jackie Evans (both PPIE experts in clinical research). Today, we introduce Professor Katja Simon an expert in autophagy in immune ageing and have provided the link where you can read all about her and her research. Enjoy! A pioneer in immune cell rejuvenation | Max Delbrück Center (
You can contact us for more information if you would like to take part in the IRFLUVA study by email to or telephone 02921 848251 or 07480926235