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We are looking for volunteers to join our Healthy Ageing study- interested to learn more?

Posted on 24 June 2024 by IRFLUVA STUDY

We are looking for volunteers aged 65 years or older to take part in a healthy ageing study. The study begins in September 2024 and we are keen to hear […]

Meet the IRFLUVA team lead for infection…Dr Brad Spiller

Posted on 18 June 2024 by IRFLUVA STUDY

Brad is an Associate Professor at Cardiff University and an expert on infection. His research focuses on infection in vulnerable people, novel diagnostics to detect infections, 'superbugs', the interactions between […]

Meet our ageing expert, who is also interested in accelerated ageing in space!

Posted on 7 June 2024 by IRFLUVA STUDY

Driven by her aspiration to become a scientific researcher, Ghada embarked on an academic journey, gaining a MSc and PhD research at the University of Strasbourg. In 2017, she moved […]

Meet the IRFLUVA research team doctor….

Posted on 6 June 2024 by IRFLUVA STUDY

Lucy is a medical doctor and spends most of her working week leading clinical research trials. She was born in Wales and grew up in the Valleys, before heading to […]

Do you want to learn more about the IRFLUVA Study? This is for you…

Posted on 5 June 2024 by IRFLUVA STUDY

Thank you for visiting the IRFLUVA Study blog - we hope that you find some of the content interesting. We are inviting volunteers to contact us if they are interested […]

Meet the IRFLUVA Research Team

Posted on 5 June 2024 by IRFLUVA STUDY

Our research team is composed of a variety of experts in immunology, ageing, flu and clinical research and this expertise makes our research study robust and we hope this ensures […]

Healthy Ageing Study – Volunteers needed

Posted on 4 June 2024 by IRFLUVA STUDY

We are looking for volunteers aged 65 years or older to take part in a healthy ageing study. The study begins in September 2024 and we are keen to hear […]

Healthy Ageing Study

Posted on 22 May 2024 by IRFLUVA STUDY

The population demographic in the developed World is changing and more and more people are living for longer. Our research team are interested in looking for ways in which older […]

IRFLUVA STUDY – Coming soon…

Posted on 21 May 2024 by IRFLUVA STUDY

The IRFLUVA Study is a trial which will look at the effects of a novel food supplement on immune responses to a flu vaccine in people aged 65 years or […]