Study space ideas
24 Hydref 2020
I thought I would write about study space ideas, because especially during this time when most lectures are virtual, I find it important to have a study space I feel motivated to work in. Here are some study space ideas:
Wall Planner
I have a big wall planner pinned up on my pinboard next to my desk. This helps me to plan my time effectively, and ensure I have enough time for studying and socialising. It helps me to see what I have got on easily as it is so accessible. I also write all my deadlines on my wall planner to make sure I leave time before my deadlines to complete assignments. This is one of the best things I have bought at uni and I definitely recommend getting one! This is a link to some academic wall planners on Etsy.
New Stationery
New stationery at the start of a new academic year really helps me to become motivated, this includes things like: new pens, highlights, rubbers etc. You can also put these in some nice pencil pots on your desk to make them look nice. WHSmith is a great place to buy stationery.
Notebooks are definitely an essential buy when coming to university. I spend so much time looking for notebooks. Some of the best ones I have found are with positive quotes on, this makes me feel more motivated before I even start studying. See the link above in the new stationery section to find some notebooks.
Folders are really important to store any paperwork. You can get so many different types of folders, some include: ring binders and basic file folders – these are the ones I normally buy. I like to get different patterned folders so then I can associate a pattern to a subject so I know what it is in the folder. WHSmiths also sell some really nice folders.
Pencil pots
There are so many different pencil pots you can buy. I have a theme in my university room, so all my pencil pots and desk tidies are rose gold. Pencil pots are definitely handy to have in a study area, so pens and highlighters are within arms reach which is really important especially when working from your university room. Ryman sell lots of different pencil pots on their website.
Desk organiser
A desk organiser or a desk tidy are so handy to have. I can fit so much into my desk organiser including notepads, pens, post it notes and more. This is definitely a good buy for more storage. Ryman sell a variety of desk organisers.
Folder holders/Magazine files
I have 2 folder holders and they are so handy to put magazines and notebooks into. You can also set your things in a file holder to make it look nice. I’ve seen some people put labels on file holders so they know what is in them, this is a really useful tip! WHSmith have magazine files available on their website.
My whiteboard is the best study space item I own! It is brilliant for jotting things down that I am bound to forget and making lots of do lists. A whiteboard is also so handy for changing the writing on it with it being wipeable, and whiteboard pens are easy and cheap to replace. Staples sell a variety of whiteboards.
Academic books
Academic books are a really vital item to have in your study space! You can get academic books from the library (remember to check your library rules about COVID-19 before going), second hand bookshops and online e.g. Amazon or Ebay.
Post it notes
I find post it notes really useful for jotting things down I need to remember or making a little list separate to my to do list. Post it notes are helpful to stick in notepads too, to help remember vital points.
Pins are really useful, to pin stuff up on notice boards. I use pins to pin up my wall planner, photos and fairy lights onto my pin board. You can get plain pins but you can also get decorative pins too like pins in the shape of a butterfly.
A stapler enables you to staple loose sheets together that belong as one! This is definitely a must when coming to university and setting up your study space.
I hope this blog has been useful! If you have any questions about Cardiff or Cardiff university please feel free to message me using the UniBuddy service.
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