Starting off for Cardiff- Vlog
19 Ebrill 2021
Hi Everyone ! Welcome to the first video blog of my student life kick off at Cardiff , talking about my journey starting from Mumbai, India to the Cardiff University.
In this video, I discuss how I travelled to Cardiff– especially in the midst of a Global Pandemic, in flight experience and finally reaching Cardiff and falling in awe of the University and the place itself ! I also touch upon some documents, immigration processes etc.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to leave them in the comments below!
- Advice for Students
- After University
- Ail flwyddyn
- Application Process
- Application Process
- Applying to University
- Arian
- Aros gartref
- Astudio
- Byw oddi cartref
- Cardiff University Experiences
- Chwaraeon
- Clearing
- Clybiau a chymdeithasau
- Cooking
- Cyd-letywyr
- Cymraeg
- Darlithoedd
- Dim ond yng Nghaerdydd
- Exams
- Global Opportunities
- Guest posts
- Heb ei gategoreiddio
- Medic Tips
- Mynd allan
- Neuaddau Preswyl
- Open Day
- Opportunities
- Postgraduate Study
- Rhentu tŷ
- Student Heroes
- Student Life
- Studying Online
- Swyddi a phrofiad gwaith
- Teithio
- Things to do in Cardiff
- Top Tips
- Trydedd flwyddyn
- UCAS Application
- Why University?
- Ymgartrefu