8 Fun Christmas Activities to do with your Housemates
6 Rhagfyr 2020
With Christmas just round the corner and Coronavirus still alive and kicking, the festive season is looking a little bit different this year. However, there is nothing stopping you and your housemates getting stuck into some merry Xmas activities to keep your spirits up.

Christmas Dinner
Rally around and cook up a Christmas feast for kings – I’m talking turkey and ALL the trimmings. Brussel sprouts, pigs in blankets, stuffing, roasted parsnips – yes, this year we are going all the way. Assign cooking stations so everyone can contribute. You could have a dedicated table set designer, a washer and wiper, and an all important resident DJ to motivate everyone through the whole ordeal.

Secret Santa
A classic that never gets old. Set a budget for everyone to stick to – perhaps £5 or £10 – and a deadline for when the gifts will be exchanged. Then, the rest is up to you. Whether you are going for a functional, funny or meaningful present – seeing what creative ideas people have come up with is always something to look forward to.

Movie Night
Christmas is not Christmas without watching a bit of Elf right? Plus, it doesn’t even have to be just one night. Set a house challenge and see how many Christmas films you can get through until the term is up.

Christmas Cocktail Party
Turn up the glitz and glamour for the ultimate Christmas cocktail party. Some cheap canapes, cocktail mixers (tins if you really are on a budget) and tunes are all you will need to host the classiest night of your student years so far.

Gingerbread House Competition
It’s Bake-Off – Christmas edition. See who can create the very best gingerbread house and when it’s all over, you will have gingerbread for days (literally).

Decorate the House
Tinsel here, there, and everywhere. Decorating the house from top to bottom is bound to lift everyone’s spirits and bring some much-needed festive cheer. Charity shops are great places to find some gems of decorations – from fake trees to novelty baubles, meaning you won’t break the bank either.

Christmas Lights Walk
You’re never to old to seek out the best decorated house in the neighbourhood. Go on a light-hunt with your housemates and if worst comes to worst and you can’t find any, there are plenty of beautiful lights in the city-centre.

Have Mariah on repeat
Cause why wouldn’t you?
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