5 Ways to Gain Media and Journalism Experience alongside your Studies
20 Gorffennaf 2020
Having a degree from a reputable university like Cardiff will already put you in great stead when trying to launch your dream career. However, the value of work experience cannot be understated in industries such as the media, and often this is looked at more favourably than just simply your academic achievements. For this reason, gaining experience whilst at university is hugely important and there are numerous ways to go about it.

Student Media
The student media department comprises of a newspaper, magazine, radio station, and TV station, and absolutely any Cardiff University student is free to get involved. Whether it is designing, writing, hosting, or editing you are interested in, this is a perfect opportunity to gain crucial experience, or to simply just figure out exactly what you like. Demonstrating that you have got stuck in with student media is a great addition to have on your CV and will show that you are both committed and passionate about this sector. A bigger bonus is the flexibility of your involvement where you have the option to just casually contribute to the publications, or secure a position on the editorial team.

Jobshop is a student employment service run by the Students Union. Through this you can pick up both casual work such as one off shifts, or secure more long-term employment like internships and jobs that may continue throughout your entire time at university. Once you are signed up, you will receive a number of weekly emails advertising job opportunities which you can apply for. Included are a few opportunities in marketing, PR, and journalism which are all paid, and fantastic for boosting your employability.

One of the huge benefits of university is the long and glorious summers that come with it, allowing you to invest your time in getting internship experience. At around March-time, begin emailing around your CV and request some work experience at various companies. The chances are you will get at least one opportunity to shadow or intern, although unfortunately this might be unpaid. However, this will give be an invaluable addition to your CV, and you might even pick up some references and contacts on the way.

Create your own Blog
This may possibly be the simplest, yet most effective way to hone in your journalistic skills. It is so easy to set up your own blog using websites such as WordPress or Wix. Whether it be a lifestyle, fashion, or travel blog, having the initiative to put your own work out there will impress employers, as well as allowing you to build up an impressive portfolio of writing.

Charities and non-profits are always looking for volunteers to help with marketing and social media work, so why not email a local organisation and ask if they require your services free of charge. You will not only be providing them with indispensable assistance, but you will also be able to improve your skills, and it will look great on your CV.
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