In the spirit of blogocracy, I plan also to signpost to other blogs where issues of relevance to Wales are discussed. Here is a non-inclusive list: The Housing Studies Association […]
I've been listening to Dan Hewitt's podcast, The Trapped, this week. It's a pretty depressing listen and, in a way, it tells us nothing we don't already know. What is […]
I need to say upfront that I'm not a fan of high level thinking about rights and adequacy. It's often pretty banal stuff and leads you into over-promising. The controversy […]
Following on from the post on the Coastal Housing case (about the need for service of electrical condition reports without which rent is not required to be paid), it is […]
This is the first substantive post on this blog, and it's a cracker which will have reverberating implications for housing law and policy in Wales: Coastal Housing Group Ltd v […]