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All you need to know about preparing to go on your Erasmus year abroad

Posted on 12 September 2019 by Mary Robinson

So you've decided you want to go on an Erasmus year abroad (and also decided that my intro was cliche, don't worry I'm not that impressed either) and you've done […]

¡Festivales Españoles!

Posted on 13 February 2017 by Harriet Codd

Buenosss a todos... I hope you have all enjoyed your New Year and have had a great start to 2017. Now the year has got well underway and we're back […]

La Ville Rose!

Posted on 20 December 2016 by Harriet Codd

Hiiii guys, this is my first blog for Globetrotters and the LingoMap program, so I thought I'd just check in to say a quick 'salut' to everybody and hope you've […]