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European Placements

Sun, Sea and Schedules

19 September 2016

Today marks two weeks since my arrival in Valencia and I am only just getting around to writing this blog post. Valencia is a beautiful city of glorious sunshine, which has led to many days spent lounging on the beach and not a lot of productivity.


The experience of arriving in Spain with nowhere to live bar a hotel room for two days was an interesting one, to say the least. However, it really was surprisingly easy to find a room with a little lot of help from the app ‘idealista’.

Having arrived in our bare apartment in Benimaclet- apparently THE Student Area in Valencia, we legged it to Ikea for supplies. After a lot of confusion with the taxi driver regarding our pronunciation of Ikea and him thinking we wanted to be dropped off at a completely different road, we managed to stock up on the essentials.

I am living in a typical Spanish apartment, with a lovely balcony. I am fortunate enough to be living with a friend from Cardiff, a French intern and a German student, which is lucky for me in preparing for my second semester in Germany! We all get along really well and are enjoying the experience of living together so far.

The whole experience of moving here for 4 months can be overwhelming at times.

The biggest adjustment has been eating much later at night and just generally everything happening a lot later on in the day. However, the tapas certainly makes up for it.

The enrollment process has been smooth so far- *touches wood*. It is easy to get weighed down by the admin though! There seems to be a lot more paper admin than in Cardiff. I am excited to really start my lectures and to meet more Spanish students through a teaching module. Living here stirs up a lot of different emotions- but there have certainly been more highs than lows and I am so excited for what the next few months holds! We have so much more to explore.

Hasta luego,
