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International Exchange

Some advice.

21 February 2016

After 4 months of studying abroad, 5 and a half weeks of backpacking, and 4 weeks of settling back into Welsh living, I’m back in Cardiff to tell you about my experience away. I still remember it like it was yesterday, walking through the different coloured zones in City University Academic 1 building, everything seemed like a maze back then. But soon after a couple of months of settling in I stopped getting lost and having to ask (what seemed like extremely shy students at the time) how to find my way to a random seminar room on the other side of the building.

If you go to City University Hong Kong I have a couple words of advice:

1 ) Local Hong Kong students may seem like they can’t speak English at first, but they can. They are just shy to speak to you in English because they don’t feel like their English is as advance as yours. Be friendly and let them open up, trust me they are insanely out going and funny after you break through their shell!

2) Try and have a nice balance of friends between international and locals from Hong Kong, I found it gave me a major advantage because I not only knew all the cool hot spots for internationals, but I also knew some really good local food places and hidden hiking trails in Hong Kong which non-locals weren’t aware of. It’s great to have a mixture of individuals in your life!

3) Don’t underestimate the workload. I know it all seems fun at first, barely having any assignments, attendance and participation being a chunk of your grade and not to mention nobody seems to be doing that much work. But trust me. It will come. The last few weeks you’ll find yourself with 4 presentations, 5 quizzes and 3 exams. Be prepared my friend, be prepared.

4) Don’t go to AC1 or residence canteen. Trust me. Stick to AC2/AC3, 5380 Cafe, Deli France and City Diners in AC1. You’ll thank me later.

5) And finally, make sure you take an Instagram worthy photo of the fountain:

For the most part, enjoy your time studying abroad. The countless adventures, restless nights, incredible street food and beautiful sunsets will never get old. Definitely the best decision I have ever made in my entire life! Take the plunge and don’t look back.

Until next time,
