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Incoming Students at Cardiff

Incoming Exchange – Catherine from Queensland University of Technology , Australia

7 March 2025

Catherine: Incoming Exchange Student

Home institution: Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Subjects studied: History and Religious Studies

What are your highlights from your time in Cardiff?

Travelling – Wales is an absolutely beautiful country and there is so much to see. It was also interesting to live with other young people in a university residence as that is not an experience that is accessible in Australia.

How was the process of applying for this programme like?

The application process is very long and tedious but it is certainly doable. My advice would be to just take things one step at a time, not to worry too much (things are always presented as more complicated than they actually are) and to reach out if you need any advice. The teams on both ends – both my home university and at Cardiff were so kind and helpful.

Did you get involved in any clubs or societies?

During the first two weeks, I would recommend going to as many GIAG [Give it a Go] as possible as it’s a great way to see what is out there. I did end up joining the CRITs club and have attended many of the Cocktail Society’s events.

What would you say to students who are unsure about coming to study at Cardiff University?

Take time to reflect on what you really want to gain out of the experience and what will make you happy and then see if that aligns with the exchange experience. For Cardiff specifically, consider its location, the weather and the costs.

Can you sum up your experience in one sentence?

My experience has allowed me to see incredible things, meet people from all around the world, and learn so much about myself – I wouldn’t trade it for the world!


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