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Dinner Parties, Eyebrows and Sagunto

10 October 2016
IMG_046614556687_10210827143821159_6260192189563783639_oThis week has been quite a busy one, involving various excursions and other lovely days with friends.
So on Tuesday, we held our first dinner party at the flat. I use the term ‘we’ very loosely, considering it was really Orla and Sarah who did the cooking. Sarah is staying with us for a while until she can move into her new flat and I am really considering kicking Orla out in favour of Sarah, who enjoys the Real Housewives of Cheshire as much as I do ;). But overall the dinner party was a success and a good start to the week.
Then on Friday, Kathryn and I took the chance to have a leisurely lunch and then a sit down in the park, which is, in fact the old river bed and is absolutely beautiful. Whilst walking back through the royal gardens, which I loved, we spotted some black and white cats and a nice old man feeding them, which gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling for the rest of the day.
This was until I decided to pluck up the courage to enquire about eyebrow waxing in a salon, without even really knowing the Spanish word for eyebrows. On a side note I had my first Spanish lessons this week which were much needed. I tried to mime what I was asking for and the woman clearly thinking she had understood me perfectly slid a slip of paper over the counter with 260 euros written on it. In a state of shock, a friendly Spanish lady rushed to my assistance and continued to stroke my eyebrow whilst trying to explain to the receptionist what I wanted. So now I have an appointment next week and I am keeping my fingers crossed regarding the bill at the end and anticipating disaster.
This weekend was one of the best yet. My lovely Spanish friends invited me to a medieval market in a little town called Sagunto, just a short drive out of Valencia. We had the best day walking around the castle and having a lovely lunch together. Then on Sunday Jas, Kathryn, Ellis and myself took a trip to Calpe and Alicante. Having not taken much notice of the Calpe section of the trip, we were surprised to find out we had to climb an enormous rock, but it actually turned out to be lots of fun and then we arrived in Alicante, which is a really beautiful and quaint place and one I would like to return to.
Only 2 more weeks till Shelley and Nicola arrive, and trying to make the most of all the opportunities here in the meantime.